Returning User Defined Data Requests.

  • I have a few questions about building stored procedures that returns data from search criteria entered by the user.

    1) Is there any alternative to using a Dynamic Query?

    2) Is there a much of a performance drop off with a Dynamic Query?

    Here is an example of a Dynamic Query in which I was wondering if there was a more efficient way of writing it.

    CREATE Procedure pr_BuildSrchReadingData( @Meterkey int, @BuildingKey int , @Month int, @Year int)

    -- Routine Called: Form SrchReadings -> When Search Button is Clicked

    -- Purpose: Fills the Table tblEditReadings with the search results (Only inserts data needed for viewing)



                    DELETE  From tblEditReadings WHERE Userid = system_User

                    DECLARE @Select nvarchar (1000)


                    SET @Select = 'INSERT INTO tblEditReadings(TransNum, BuildingNum, MeterId, UtilType, Month, Year, Usage, Costtotal, Userid)

                    SELECT TransNum,  Buildingnum, MeterId, UtilType,  Month, Year, Usage, Costtotal,  System_User

                    FROM qryUtilRead_Search WHERE TransNum is not null'


                    IF ( @meterkey > 0) SET @Select = @Select + char(13) + ' AND Meterkey = ' + cast(@meterkey as nvarchar(5))


                    IF(@buildingkey > 0) SET @Select  = @Select + char(13) + ' AND Buildingkey = ' + cast(@buildingkey as nvarchar(5))


                    IF(@Month > 0)      SET @Select = @Select + char(13) + ' AND Month = ' + cast(@Month as nvarchar(5))


                    IF(@Year > 0)         SET @Select = @Select + char(13) + ' AND Year = ' + cast(@Year as nvarchar(5))









  • If the part that is dynamic includes the structure of the tables - e.g. column names, table names, then these can't be parameterised directly.

    You can however do the following:

    Insert everything into temp table

    if Meterkey > 0

    delete from temptable where meterkey <> meterkey


    select * from temptable

    But I wouldn't recommend that!

    Dynamic SQL in SQL 2000 is fast - there will be 11 Execution plans for this stored procedure stored in SQL Server, which is quite a lot but I can't immediately think of any better way right now.  I'll have a think about it.

    Dave Hilditch.

  • I believe the example below could be an alternative approach, given the assumption that 0 in input indicates that this is no search-criteria.   It is doubtful whether this is faster, though, and my expericence is that the dynamic SQL is fast enough in most cases.

    CREATE Procedure pr_BuildSrchReadingData( @Meterkey int, @BuildingKey int , @Month int, @Year int)

    -- Routine Called: Form SrchReadings -> When Search Button is Clicked

    -- Purpose: Fills the Table tblEditReadings with the search results (Only inserts data needed for viewing)


                    DELETE  From tblEditReadings WHERE Userid = system_User

                    INSERT INTO tblEditReadings(TransNum, BuildingNum, MeterId, UtilType, Month, Year, Usage, Costtotal, Userid)

                    SELECT TransNum,  Buildingnum, MeterId, UtilType,  Month, Year, Usage, Costtotal,  System_User

                    FROM qryUtilRead_Search


                    WHERE TransNum is not null

                      AND @meterkey in (0, MeterKey)


                      AND @buildingkey in (0, BuildingKey)


                      AND @Month in (0, Month)


                      AND @Year in (0, Year)



    I would guess that if the table (qryUtilRead_Search) is relatively small, this would perform better than dynamic SQL. If the table is large, I think the overhead of dynamic SQL would be small compared to the penalty of the rather inefficient "in"-clause - which effectively translates into an or-clause.


  • Thank you for the replys.  I'm glad to hear that the performance of Dynamic queries are usually fine.  I will look into the "In" clause olavho.

    If anyone else has any comments on Dynamic queries verses other methods, I would certainly enjoy reading them.




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