July 22, 2004 at 7:26 am
What I am trying to do here is a little weird, but this is what my client wants. I have a table of roofs and a capital expenditure table associated with the roofs table. They want every roof to be returned with the next occuring cap exp and that date. My problem is if there are more than one cap exp I am getting both returned. How do I get only the first one to return? I have tried top 1, but that only returns the very first roof not the first occurance, and I have tried distinct on the roofid, but that doesnt' work either. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
select tblroofs.roofid, cap.estimatedcost as CapCost, cap.estimateddate
from tblcapitalexpenditures as cap RIGHT OUTER JOIN tblroofs
on cap.RoofID = tblRoofs.RoofID
Where [tblRoofs].[CompanyID] = @CompanyID
and datepart(yyyy, cap.estimateddate) >= datepart(yyyy, dateadd(yyyy, 1, getdate()))
group by tblroofs.RoofID, cap.estimatedcost, cap.estimateddate
example of what is being returned and I only want the first 1115 to be returned:
1095 36800.00 2008-01-01 00:00:00.000
1096 219450.00 2008-01-01 00:00:00.000
1115 29500.00 2005-01-01 00:00:00.000
1115 110700.00 2008-01-01 00:00:00.000
July 22, 2004 at 9:19 am
hey egnagey,
try adding the following HAVING clause to your SQL to see if that is what you are looking for:
tblroofs.roofid, cap.estimatedcost as CapCost, cap.estimateddate
tblcapitalexpenditures as cap RIGHT OUTER JOIN tblroofs ON cap.RoofID = tblRoofs.RoofID
[tblRoofs].[CompanyID] = @CompanyID AND
DATEPART(yyyy, cap.estimateddate) >= DATEPART(yyyy, DATEADD(yyyy, 1, GETDATE()))
tblroofs.RoofID, cap.estimatedcost, cap.estimateddate
cap.estimateddate = MIN(cap.estimateddate)
July 25, 2004 at 11:29 pm
JP, the HAVING clause has no effect in this query, because the estimateddate is part of the GROUP BY clause (and the MIN function is evaluated for each group and, of course, each group has only one date).
I think the query should be written like this:
SELECT r.roofid, c1.estimatedcost as CapCost, c1.estimateddate FROM tblcapitalexpenditures c1 INNER JOIN tblroofs r ON c1.RoofID = r.RoofID WHERE r.CompanyID = @CompanyID AND YEAR(cap.estimateddate)> YEAR(GETDATE())+1 AND c1.estimateddate = ( SELECT MIN(c2.estimateddate) FROM tblcapitalexpenditures c2 WHERE c1.RoofID = c2.RoofID )
I have replaced the outer join with an inner join because an outer join seems unnecessary to me. If it is really needed (if it is possible that a "roof" has no "capital expenditures" and you want that "roof" selected), the query would be:
SELECT r.roofid, c1.estimatedcost as CapCost, c1.estimateddate FROM tblcapitalexpenditures c1 RIGHT JOIN tblroofs r ON c1.RoofID = r.RoofID WHERE r.CompanyID = @CompanyID AND YEAR(cap.estimateddate)> YEAR(GETDATE())+1 AND (c1.estimateddate IS NULL OR c1.estimateddate = ( SELECT MIN(c2.estimateddate) FROM tblcapitalexpenditures c2 WHERE c1.RoofID = c2.RoofID ))
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