Returning To An Employer

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Returning To An Employer

  • Funny timing.

    I am leaving my current employer after 4 years (first 4 years at work after studying).

    I work/worked there as the person responisble for the ETL and the SSAS Multidimensional cubes.

    After telling my boss for 2 years now of my reasons of dislike/discomfort in the company (no collegues to talk with or discuss problems with in the topic of sql server at all, no advancement in tech (ssas mutldimension cubes) i gave him the headsup early on this year that i am atleast looking for other jobs. Since that did not triggered any reaction (until i told him i got a new offer which im most likely going to take, and which i now did) i am now moving on in august.

    Bigger company, more complex systems, colleagues to talk with and a sql server employer that seems to care that his sql server tech is making progress.

    I am taking a risk in going away from a chill job i am not learning much from anymore by switching jobs where i have the potential to learn alot again but which might suck, which is always a potnetial risk when changing.

    To go back to the topic. I think i am leaving on good terms since i basically told the relevant people about my leaving WAY ahead of what is business standard and tried to communicate as much as possible.

  • As it so happens, I live less than two miles from an Intel plant. I remember those layoffs in 2015/2016. Some friends of mine suffered through them. But I didn't know that the CEO at the time came up with the no re-hire for all 13,000 of them. That is a shock! Like you, Steve, I can see maybe doing that, if someone were guilty of some serious crime, but all 13,000? No way are all those people guilty of some awful acts.


  • I worked for my previous employer for a total of 13 years.  A block of 8, working elsewhere for 2 years then back for another 5 years.

    I got made redundant from my 1st job after 5 years.  That was a painful experience.  Apart from that I've never been out of work.

    I think it is important to know when to leave and employer.  When organisations go through big change I'd suggest looking at what the end result of that change will be.  Does it work for you?  Are you going to go through the pain of change only to find that you have become a square peg in a round hole?  It isn't an easy call to make as it is easy for our relationships with colleagues, the coffee machine and other irrelevant "perks" distract us from the fundamental question "What do I like about my job"?

    I can remember the CEO of one of the outposts of the McCann-Erikson empire advising us to "be careful which bridges you burn and which ones you cross. Burn as few as you can because it is a small world".

  • I only had a single experience with returning to an employer after resigning.  I always worried that by going back I could be subjected to additional pressure, higher expectations, possibly salary-level freeze, etc.

    The single exception was  my last full-time position that I had held for about 9-10 years.  I took an early retirement offer due to potential layoffs, only to be invited back as a contract employee.  This actually worked out very well for me due to being able to negotiate a favorable salary increase and some additional benefits and concessions which lasted for another three years, actually beyond my normal SS retirement age.  Midway through I did need to negotiate an additional increase since contract employees were not included in company reviews.

    Overall, the return was quite satisfactory.

    One caution would be that under some circumstances this could be uncomfortable to explain to another potential employer in the future.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by  skeleton567.

    Disaster Recovery = Backup ( Backup ( Your Backup ) )

  • I was once laid off as part of a purge initiated by a new manager several levels above me in a company of 70+ thousand people. He simply sorted a spreadsheet by job title and salary and laid off the most expensive n% of people for each title in the areas under him without learning anything about who those people were or what they did. [Never assume that all people with the same title are like interchangeable machine parts.]

    My manager not only had no opportunity to advocate on my behalf, he was laid off at the same time. Unfortunately for them, my job title had nothing whatsoever to do with the work I actually did, due to some weird process issues in my onboarding. So a number of important IT projects simply vanished after I left because the company laid off the only people that knew they existed. Oops!

    The idea of laying off your most expensive people to cut costs seems crazy, as there is usually a good reason they are paid so much. Things like skill level, experience, and institutional knowledge. At least they weren't so crazy as to make us all ineligible for rehire, but they were so badly managed and had such shady business practices that I would never want to go back anyway. It was never my choice to work for them to begin with - my job was outsourced to them and I just went with the job.

  • ktflash wrote:

    Funny timing.


    To go back to the topic. I think i am leaving on good terms since i basically told the relevant people about my leaving WAY ahead of what is business standard and tried to communicate as much as possible.


    Congrats and good luck

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