Returning results for the previous year

  • I have the following script:


    (SELECT c.owneridname as BSC,z.Tpl_TotalGWP as Total2012,a.tpl_traderref as TraderRef, as CompanyName,LEFT(z.Tpl_Month, 4) AS Year, RIGHT(z.Tpl_Month, 2) AS Month,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY c.owneridname

    ORDER BY z.Tpl_TotalGWP DESC) AS rn

    from dbo.Tpl_zonegwp z

    INNER JOIN dbo.Account a on z.Tpl_CompanyId = a.accountid

    INNER JOIN dbo.Contact c on a.ownerid = c.ownerid

    INNER JOIN (SELECT CurrentYear, CurrentMonth, CurrentYear - 1 AS LastYear

    FROM (SELECT LEFT(MaxMonth, 4) AS CurrentYear, RIGHT(MaxMonth, 2) AS CurrentMonth

    FROM (SELECT MAX(Tpl_Month) AS MaxMonth

    FROM TowergateAgency_MSCRM.dbo.FilteredTpl_zonegwp AS Tpl_zonegwpExtensionBase_1) AS MaxMonthQuery) as MaxMonthQuery2) AS b

    ON left(z.tpl_month,4) = b.currentYear AND RIGHT(z.Tpl_Month, 2) <= b.CurrentMonth


    SELECT BSC,TraderRef,CompanyName,Total2012 FROM A WHERE rn=1

    GROUP BY BSC,TraderRef,CompanyName,Total2012;

    apologies if this is confusing!

    but it returns the following data:

    BSC Traderref companyname TOTal2012 (YTD)

    Fiona Auge26010Astrelle Insurance Services Ltd1575694.00

    Victoria Martin27944Saga Services Ltd 1575694.00

    The last column shows the YTD figure in the data.

    I want to retrieve the YTD figure for the same company the previous year and month? so i can compare YTDs?

    Have tried doing a union all on same script. but this doesnt work.

    I want result to be on the same row.

  • Maybe, indented properly it's less confusing: 😉

    WITH MeaningfulCTEName AS (

    SELECT c.owneridname as BSC,

    z.Tpl_TotalGWP as Total2012,

    a.tpl_traderref as TraderRef, as CompanyName,

    LEFT(z.Tpl_Month, 4) AS Year,

    RIGHT(z.Tpl_Month, 2) AS Month,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY c.owneridname ORDER BY z.Tpl_TotalGWP DESC) AS rn

    FROM dbo.Tpl_zonegwp z

    INNER JOIN dbo.Account a

    ON z.Tpl_CompanyId = a.accountid

    INNER JOIN dbo.Contact c

    ON a.ownerid = c.ownerid


    SELECT CurrentYear, CurrentMonth, CurrentYear - 1 AS LastYear

    FROM (

    SELECT LEFT(MaxMonth, 4) AS CurrentYear, RIGHT(MaxMonth, 2) AS CurrentMonth

    FROM (

    SELECT MAX(Tpl_Month) AS MaxMonth

    FROM TowergateAgency_MSCRM.dbo.FilteredTpl_zonegwp AS Tpl_zonegwpExtensionBase_1

    ) AS MaxMonthQuery

    ) as MaxMonthQuery2

    ) AS b

    ON left(z.tpl_month,4) = b.currentYear

    AND RIGHT(z.Tpl_Month, 2) <= b.CurrentMonth


    SELECT BSC,TraderRef,CompanyName,Total2012

    FROM MeaningfulCTEName

    WHERE rn=1

    GROUP BY BSC,TraderRef,CompanyName,Total2012;

    Do yourself a favour: use meaningful aliases names in your queries. What does A mean to you?

    Could you post DDL (CREATE TABLE) statements for all the tables in the query, some sample data (INSERT statements with a few rows for each table) and the expected results based on your sample data?

    If in doubt, read the article linked in my signature line and find out how to post to get fast answers.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Gianluca Sartori (1/11/2012)

    Maybe, indented properly it's less confusing: 😉

    WITH MeaningfulCTEName AS (

    SELECT c.owneridname as BSC,

    z.Tpl_TotalGWP as Total2012,

    a.tpl_traderref as TraderRef, as CompanyName,

    LEFT(z.Tpl_Month, 4) AS Year,

    RIGHT(z.Tpl_Month, 2) AS Month,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY c.owneridname ORDER BY z.Tpl_TotalGWP DESC) AS rn

    FROM dbo.Tpl_zonegwp z

    INNER JOIN dbo.Account a

    ON z.Tpl_CompanyId = a.accountid

    INNER JOIN dbo.Contact c

    ON a.ownerid = c.ownerid


    SELECT CurrentYear, CurrentMonth, CurrentYear - 1 AS LastYear

    FROM (

    SELECT LEFT(MaxMonth, 4) AS CurrentYear, RIGHT(MaxMonth, 2) AS CurrentMonth

    FROM (

    SELECT MAX(Tpl_Month) AS MaxMonth

    FROM TowergateAgency_MSCRM.dbo.FilteredTpl_zonegwp AS Tpl_zonegwpExtensionBase_1

    ) AS MaxMonthQuery

    ) as MaxMonthQuery2

    ) AS b

    ON left(z.tpl_month,4) = b.currentYear

    AND RIGHT(z.Tpl_Month, 2) <= b.CurrentMonth


    SELECT BSC,TraderRef,CompanyName,Total2012

    FROM MeaningfulCTEName

    WHERE rn=1

    GROUP BY BSC,TraderRef,CompanyName,Total2012;

    Do yourself a favour: use meaningful aliases names in your queries. What does A mean to you?

    Could you post DDL (CREATE TABLE) statements for all the tables in the query, some sample data (INSERT statements with a few rows for each table) and the expected results based on your sample data?

    If in doubt, read the article linked in my signature line and find out how to post to get fast answers.

    maybe do another cte that is the same except for..

    --cte select sytax

    --from syntax and joins...

    --if b.currentYear is int datatype then

    ) AS b

    ON left(z.tpl_month,4) = (b.currentYear - 1)

    AND RIGHT(z.Tpl_Month, 2) <= b.CurrentMonth

  • Sachin 80451 (1/11/2012) - via Private Message

    does this help:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.account


    accountid Varchar(50),

    name varchar(50),

    Tpl_Traderred INT,

    ownerid uniqueidentifier



    ( ownerid uniqueidentifier,

    Owneridname nvarchar(160)


    CREATE TABLE dbo.zoneGWP

    ( tpl_companyid uniqueidentifier,

    TPL_Month nvarchar(6),

    TPL_NBGWP money,

    TPL_RenewalGWP Money,

    TPL_TotalGWP Money,

    TPL_Zone Nvarchar(100)


    INSERT INTO dbo.account (AccountID, name, tpl_traderred, ownerid)

    SELECT '87b21301-e0c8-459b-b8f7-735222e87cd9','Capital Insurance Brokers (CI) Ltd','576574','b92e0266-5e8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT '7c27e7e3-f0eb-4b2d-ade8-73bda850b766','Swinton Group Ltd (218)','233456','3a03a65e-5f8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT '32c74a77-38da-473a-a3fc-740a35450317','Towergate Risk Solutions Berwick Upon Tweed','563224','b92e0266-5e8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT '0ecc5258-9f64-4637-a3a9-7415d3c3abb9','Swinton Group Ltd (646)','986778','d61f3458-5f8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT '817a5592-cb6b-4d89-9321-74259bcc35cd','G A Puttick (Insurance)','677322','3a03a65e-5f8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'acdbf2c1-a79a-4eb7-a8bb-742b6a265e72','Box Insurance Services and Newton General Insurance Services','564644','a66099f6-5e8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT '0762dd07-c48e-43ac-a319-747834600013','Swinton Group Ltd (724)','932578','a54f9c46-5f8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT '56f63932-89fb-4d82-b447-747d1836446b','Farmer Insurance Agency Ltd','897778','b92e0266-5e8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT '03b7dfbb-28c3-4c84-86bd-74a9dc839789','Blackfriars Insurance Brokers Ltd','122223','d61f3458-5f8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT '5acc7b0c-9abb-4c54-9ef9-74bbfa862811','Brunsdon LLP','253463','a66099f6-5e8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'aa92b72d-14d5-4057-b334-74d887729f7c','Swinton Group Ltd (573)','797979','a54f9c46-5f8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT '5665a424-3788-4b90-936d-7518ae849e31','Caleb Roberts Insurance Services Ltd','334543','3a03a65e-5f8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT '13608d88-1753-48b9-9dba-7536dc5f3d53','Peter Best Insurances Services Ltd','776543','a66099f6-5e8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115' UNION ALL

    SELECT '0c24414a-23e5-4e07-a054-755cc806fa4a','Barnett Jones and Cooke Ltd','334647','d61f3458-5f8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115'

    INSERT INTO (ownerID, owneridname)

    SELECT 'a66099f6-5e8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115','Lisa Walton' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'd61f3458-5f8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115','Wendy Crisp' UNION ALL

    SELECT '3a03a65e-5f8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115','Amy Stapenhill' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'a54f9c46-5f8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115', 'Victoria Martin' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'b92e0266-5e8e-df11-83f6-0022194f7115', 'Fiona Auge'

    INSERT INTO dbo.zoneGWP (Tpl_companyID, TPL_Month, TPL_NBGWP,TPL_RenewalGWP, TPL_TotalGWP,TPL_Zone)

    SELECT '87b21301-e0c8-459b-b8f7-735222e87cd9','201201','354','275','650','AIUA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '7c27e7e3-f0eb-4b2d-ade8-73bda850b766','201201','453','383','850','TCU' UNION ALL

    SELECT '32c74a77-38da-473a-a3fc-740a35450317','201201','3346','2386','6500','TCU' UNION ALL

    SELECT '0ecc5258-9f64-4637-a3a9-7415d3c3abb9','201201','3235','2285','6500','AIUA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '817a5592-cb6b-4d89-9321-74259bcc35cd','201201','9732','8782','18000','AIUA' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'acdbf2c1-a79a-4eb7-a8bb-742b6a265e72','201201','8834','7884','17000','TCU' UNION ALL

    SELECT '0762dd07-c48e-43ac-a319-747834600013','201201','9762','8872','1950','AIUA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '56f63932-89fb-4d82-b447-747d1836446b','201201','973','893','1700','TUE' UNION ALL

    SELECT '03b7dfbb-28c3-4c84-86bd-74a9dc839789','201201','9783','8883','18500','TCU' UNION ALL

    SELECT '5acc7b0c-9abb-4c54-9ef9-74bbfa862811','201201','3757','3757','7000','AIUA' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'aa92b72d-14d5-4057-b334-74d887729f7c','201201','463','463','900','TUE' UNION ALL

    SELECT '5665a424-3788-4b90-936d-7518ae849e31','201201','9768','9868','19500','AIUA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '13608d88-1753-48b9-9dba-7536dc5f3d53','201201','343','343','700','TCU' UNION ALL

    SELECT '0c24414a-23e5-4e07-a054-755cc806fa4a','201201','864','864','1900','TUE' UNION ALL

    SELECT '87b21301-e0c8-459b-b8f7-735222e87cd9','201101','354','275','550','AIUA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '7c27e7e3-f0eb-4b2d-ade8-73bda850b766','201101','453','383','750','TCU' UNION ALL

    SELECT '32c74a77-38da-473a-a3fc-740a35450317','201101','4346','2386','5500','TCU' UNION ALL

    SELECT '0ecc5258-9f64-4637-a3a9-7415d3c3abb9','201101','3235','2285','5500','AIUA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '817a5592-cb6b-4d89-9321-74259bcc35cd','201101','8732','8782','17000','AIUA' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'acdbf2c1-a79a-4eb7-a8bb-742b6a265e72','201101','7834','7884','16000','TCU' UNION ALL

    SELECT '0762dd07-c48e-43ac-a319-747834600013','201101','8762','8872','1850','AIUA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '56f63932-89fb-4d82-b447-747d1836446b','201101','873','893','1600','TUE' UNION ALL

    SELECT '03b7dfbb-28c3-4c84-86bd-74a9dc839789','201101','8783','8883','17500','TCU' UNION ALL

    SELECT '5acc7b0c-9abb-4c54-9ef9-74bbfa862811','201101','2757','3757','6000','AIUA' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'aa92b72d-14d5-4057-b334-74d887729f7c','201101','363','463','800','TUE' UNION ALL

    SELECT '5665a424-3788-4b90-936d-7518ae849e31','201101','9768','9868','19000','AIUA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '13608d88-1753-48b9-9dba-7536dc5f3d53','201101','243','343','600','TCU' UNION ALL

    SELECT '0c24414a-23e5-4e07-a054-755cc806fa4a','201101','764','864','1800','TUE'

    expected results:

    BSC - Fiona Ague

    CompanyName - Capital Insurance Brokers (CI) Ltd

    TotalGWP2012 - 650

    TotalGWP2011 - 550

    TraderRef - 576574

    Fixed your DDL and sample data.

    Nice job, BTW!

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • I can't make your sample data for dbo.account fit into the table defintion you posted.

    I get "string or binary data would be truncated".

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • I think it might be because the name column is only (50), can you change it to a (100)

  • When retrieving totals for the current year and prior year I almost always use a calendar table to do the heavy lifting. There is an example of this type of thing in this article:

    Todd Fifield

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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