Returning Records

  • Hi,

    I am trying to get a result set back which gives me values which subtract one row from the previous row.

    Existing Table Structure:

    id dtDate

    1 5/1/2007

    2 5/3/2007

    3 5/15/2007

    4 5/17/2007

    Query should return this:

    dtDate AccumaltiveTime DailyTime

    5/1/2007 0 0

    5/3/2007 2 2

    5/15/2007 14 12

    5/17/2007 16 2

    I am having trouble getting the "daily time", my query so far is as follows: this returns 14 as the DailyTime for every record, which is wrong.


    datediff(dd,(select dtdate from tbl_test z where = (select min(id) from tbl_test) ),dtdate) AccumaltiveTime,

    (datediff(dd,(select dtdate from tbl_test z where = (select min(id) from tbl_test) ),dtdate)) - ((datediff(

    dd,(select dtdate from tbl_test z where = (select max(id) from tbl_test where id < (select max(id) from tbl_test ) ) ),
    dtdate))) DailyTime

    from tbl_test b

    thanks for all who can help!

  • you'll need a cursor and a temp table (or table variable)


    Ben Sullins
    Beer is my primary key...

  • This should do the trick for you, if you want things in id order, which it appears you do:


     @FirstDate datetime


     @FirstDate = (SELECT Min(dtDate) FROM DateTest)


     dtDate = curr.dtDate

     ,AccumulativeTime = Datediff(day, @FirstDate, curr.dtDate)

     ,DailyTime   = Datediff(day, IsNull(prev.dtDate, curr.dtDate), curr.dtDate)


     DateTest AS curr

     LEFT OUTER JOIN DateTest AS prev ON

      curr.[id] = prev.[id] + 1

  • Yup, no need for a cursor nor a temp table.  However this is one rare case when the cursors and temp tables beat the set based (in case of triangular join) query.

  • awesome

    this worked..


  • actually this doesnt work!

    i had tried a similar solution, however i worry about the ID's not being in succession. In my example, the ID's are 1,2,3,5.

  • Yes, it only works when they are incremental and with no gaps. If we need to avoid looping for this type of thing, and if the existing identity column has gaps, we move the necessary data to a new table, in the proper order, using the Identity attribute during the move. Then this will work.

  • i failed to make my ID's 1,2,3,5 in my example...but this query would fail if the ID's are not in order

  • Or another way to do this :

    - Insert into temp table in the correct order

    - Run a single update statement calculating the running total

    - Select from temp table


    Option c is to do this calculation client side with the reporting tools or whatever is available, but this is not always a possibility.

  • Or you can try this:



        datediff(dd,(select min(b.dtDate) from dbo.testtbl b where b.dtDate <= a.dtDate), a.dtDate) as AccumTime,

        datediff(dd,isnull((select max(c.dtDate) from dbo.testtbl c where c.dtDate < a.dtDate), a.dtDate), a.dtDate) as DailyTime


        dbo.testtbl a

    No cursors, no temp tables!

  • Got beat, oh well!

  • Which method you should use depends on your needs, table sizes, reusability, etc. In our environment, SELECT INTOs don't present any problems, and are extremely fast, which considering the sizes of the tables we work with, is the most important piece. That may or may not match your environment, but if it does, then the following should work (untested):


     [id] = Identity(int, 1, 1)

     ,dtDate = a.dtDate




     <your table> AS a



    CREATE INDEX idx#id ON dbo.DateTest([id])


     @FirstDate datetime


     @FirstDate = (SELECT Min(dtDate) FROM DateTest)


     dtDate = curr.dtDate

     ,AccumulativeTime = Datediff(day, @FirstDate, curr.dtDate)

     ,DailyTime   = Datediff(day, IsNull(prev.dtDate, curr.dtDate), curr.dtDate)


     DateTest AS curr

     LEFT OUTER JOIN DateTest AS prev ON

      curr.[id] = prev.[id] + 1

  • Lynn Pettis, you get a gold star.

    this worked perfectly.

    thanks for everyones was an interesting topic.

  • Hopefully your tables are *really small* that implemetation could not get off the ground on one of my tables


    * Noel

  • Also depends on indexes as well.  If the datefield is indexed it should still run well, but I guess we'd have to find someone willing to test it on a VLDBT.

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