Returning Null Results

  • I have a table with 54 million rows. When I run this query:

    select count(*) from search_results

    where sr_cs_id='40865-TN'

    and sr_prole_id is null

    I get 6066 rows - which is incorrect

    But when I run this query:

    select count(*) from search_results

    where sr_cs_id='40865-TN'

    and sr_prole_id is NOT null

    I get 5543 - which is correct

    On further querying the total rows with an sr_cs_id = '40865-TN' is 6066, 5543 do have an entry in the sr_prole_id column.

    I have dropped and recreated the indexes on this table, but it has not made a difference. When I transfer the 6066 result set into a new table the query works fine.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

  • I'm going to guess that the query against the larger table exceeds the cost threshold for parallelism (while the smaller does not), causing this problem. Try using the MAXDOP 1 query hint.



  • From what that Links says I think you are right - Now I need to get the patch



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