Returning Nth row

  • I have a table that contains parameters, these parameters are stored in another table as a binary mask (in decimal).

    I am able to return the bit that is set but am having a few problems returning the Nth row from the parameter table to give the description of the parameter. I have catered for a 32bit Binary mask, so there could possibly be 32 rows to return.

    any pointers would be usefull



  • I recommend against doing this. Instead use an association table between the table and its possible parameters. But, if you must, make the ID of the parameter table the bit value (e.g., 1, 2, 4, 8,...) and:

    SELECT Table.ID, ParamTable.Descr
    FROM Table t JOIN ParamTable p on t.BitMap & p.ID = p.ID



  • I decided to go with adding a bitmask to the parameter table and have now found the following code to return the bit('s) that are currently set.

     DECLARE @originalNumber INT
    DECLARE @bitMask INT
    DECLARE @counter INT
    SET @bitMask = 1
    SET @originalNumber = 7
    SET @counter = 1

    WHILE (@counter < 31)
    IF ((@originalNumber & @bitMask) = @bitMask)
    PRINT 'Bit Number (' + LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(@counter))) + ') is ON'
    SET @bitMask = @bitMask * 2
    SET @counter = @counter + 1
    -- Hits here when the 31st bit needs to be checked. We do it here
    -- since if we multiply by 2, the number we get is 2147483648, which
    -- results in an overflow
    SET @bitMask = 2147483647
    IF ((@originalNumber & @bitMask) = @bitMask)
    PRINT 'Bit Number (' + LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(@counter))) + ') is ON'

    Thanks for the help

  • quote:

    I decided to go with adding a bitmask to the parameter table and have now found the following code to return the bit('s) that are currently set.

     DECLARE @originalNumber INT
    DECLARE @bitMask INT
    DECLARE @counter INT
    SET @bitMask = 1
    SET @originalNumber = 7
    SET @counter = 1

    WHILE (@counter < 31)
    IF ((@originalNumber & @bitMask) = @bitMask)
    PRINT 'Bit Number (' + LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(@counter))) + ') is ON'
    SET @bitMask = @bitMask * 2
    SET @counter = @counter + 1
    -- Hits here when the 31st bit needs to be checked. We do it here
    -- since if we multiply by 2, the number we get is 2147483648, which
    -- results in an overflow
    SET @bitMask = 2147483647
    IF ((@originalNumber & @bitMask) = @bitMask)
    PRINT 'Bit Number (' + LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(@counter))) + ') is ON'

    Thanks for the help

    If that's all you need, then how about just using a numbers table, e.g.:

    DECLARE @originalNumber bigint
    SET @originalNumber = 7
    SELECT 'Bit Number ' + CAST(Number AS varchar) + ' is On'
    (SELECT Number, POWER(CAST(2 AS bigint),Number) Pos
    FROM master..spt_values
    WHERE Type = 'p'
    AND Number < 32) n
    WHERE Pos & @originalNumber = Pos

    Your looping code will not be easily extensible to returning the settings for a set of rows...


    Edit-- just noticed you're numbering your bits starting with 1, not 0. Change to CAST(Number + 1 AS varchar).

    Edited by - Jonathan on 11/17/2003 06:43:31 AM


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