August 8, 2006 at 2:35 pm
I've been working on this udf off and on for several weeks when I have a chance and I'm still having problems modifying this function. Everything works great except for one exception I need to add to the code below. First of all the code counts the number of times a certain relationship type is used. Once the count is done it returns the count value. If the count value is 0 then it returnes 1 as the value. However, if @ogt_code = 'Supplier' or Allied or Hotel/Conference Facility or NGCOA Internal Vendor or USGA Program the return value will always = 0. What I'm trying to do is if the Org Type is = 'Golf Course' and it has an actual initial return count of greater than or equal 1 then I need to add 1 to the overall count. So basically, what I need to do is to add 1 to the final count when the initial count of the @ret_value is greater than or equal 1. If the inital count = 0, which in the code it is stated as @ ret_value=0 then the @ret_value becomes 1.
Try to explain better:
If you are an Org Type of Golf Course and you have no other courses you represent then you only represent 1 course. In the code I've written, if you dont have any other courses you represent (which the count(*) uses the cxc_rlt_code = 'Multi-Golf Parent' in the count) then your initial count = 0, but according to my code when the @ret_value = 0
select @ret_value = 1
So this way, golf courses with no related organizations always represent themselves with the course count of 1. But I also need to represent golf courses that return a count of 1 (according to initial Count) so I can properly account for the number of courses its related too and its own self.
I hope this helps
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ngcoa_get_multi_golf_count] (
@org_cst_key_ext uniqueidentifier,
@todays_date av_date)
declare @ret_value int
declare @ogt_code nvarchar(30)
select @ret_value = 0
select @ret_value = count(*)
co_customer_x_customer (nolock)
join co_customer (nolock) on cxc_cst_key_2= cst_key
WHERE cxc_cst_key_1= @org_cst_key_ext
and cst_type='Organization'
and (cxc_end_date is null or cxc_end_date>@todays_date)
and cxc_rlt_code = 'Multi-Golf Parent'
and cxc_delete_flag=0
and cst_delete_flag=0
if @ret_value = 0
select @ret_value = 1
select @ogt_code = org_ogt_code
from co_organization (nolock)
where org_cst_key = @org_cst_key_ext
if @ogt_code = 'Supplier'
select @ret_value = 0
if @ogt_code = 'Allied'
select @ret_value = 0
if @ogt_code = 'Hotel/Conference Facility'
select @ret_value = 0
if @ogt_code = 'NGCOA Internal Vendor'
select @ret_value = 0
if @ogt_code = 'USGA Program'
select @ret_value = 0
--if (@ogt_code = 'Golf Course' and @ret_value >1) --I added this to try to fix
--select (@ret_value + 1) --I added this to try to fix
return @ret_value
August 8, 2006 at 2:48 pm
Shouldn't the select in the if statement look like this:
select @ret_value = @ret_vale + 1
I would prefer to use a set statement where you are using select to set @ret_value:
set @ret_value = @ret_vale + 1
August 8, 2006 at 3:09 pm
Lynne thanks for the reply that helped alot. But I still need to know how to add one to the count when the initial count > 1. For instance, when the count starts and if the count = 0 then it returns 1 automatically. So The code says
if @ret_value = 0
select @ret_value = 1
The modification I just made will make all ogt_code = 'Golf Course' = 2, because the return is always set to at least zero. Is what I'm trying to do possible? Below I copied what I wrote before. Maybe that will clarify things. Even if you cant figure it out, you've been alot of help.
Try to explain better:
If you are an Org Type of Golf Course and you have no other courses you represent then you only represent 1 course. In the code I've written, if you dont have any other courses you represent (which the count(*) uses the cxc_rlt_code = 'Multi-Golf Parent' in the count) then your initial count = 0, but according to my code when the @ret_value = 0
select @ret_value = 1
So this way, golf courses with no related organizations always represent themselves with the course count of 1. But I also need to represent golf courses that return a count of 1 (according to initial Count) so I can properly account for the number of courses its related too and its own self.
August 8, 2006 at 7:37 pm
You have it at the end of your procedure, it just isn't coded right.
You have:
--if (@ogt_code = 'Golf Course' and @ret_value >1) --I added this to try to fix
--select (@ret_value + 1) --I added this to try to fix
if (@ogt_code = 'Golf Course' and @ret_value > 1) set @ret_value = @ret_value + 1
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