May 22, 2003 at 12:10 pm
I'd like to write a generic procedure that will accept a table name and seed value and return a unique ID. The routine will check the seed value against the table, and if its exists, increment a counter by one.
For example, table is 'Address' and the seed is 'CustKey'. If count of CustKey > 1, try CustKey1. If CustKey1 is there, then CustKey2 and so on. I would like it to return the unique ID.
I've tried to exec('select count(*) from ' + @tableName + ' where IdentityCol = ' + testKey ) and that will return 0 or more, but how would I test what the returned value is?
If this is not the best approach, what approach could I use? For the exec('string'), @@ROWCOUNT was unaffected. Also, it wouldn't recognize any declared variable outside of itself.
Any help is appreciated.
May 22, 2003 at 1:08 pm
Would you mind posting the table structures. I am not sure whether you have an unnormalized structure or not. If so, it may be advantageous to normalize the structure. Please post the DDL for the table, if possible. Thanks,
May 22, 2003 at 1:25 pm
The example I gave was not the best in that it immediate brought up questions of why I was trying to generate the key in that way in the first place.
The situation is more one of coming into a place where they keys are generated in this way, but for each table and I wanted to make it generic.
The question is more: how do I get out results when EXEC a string and its SQL 6.5 compatibility, otherwise I would have used sp_executesql.
I found a great solution at this website:
where the author recommends creating a temporary table and putting the results inside as an INSERT.
May 22, 2003 at 1:34 pm
I think I could help more if I understood what the overall objective is. Are you trying to get a scalar or table-type value from the procedure? If you are getting a scalar value, use an OUTPUT parameter or the intrinsic RETURNVALUE parameter:
-- Output parameter
DECLARE @OutputParam INT
EXEC proc_GetLastKeyValue @Address, @OutputParam OUTPUT
-- Return Value
EXEC @r = proc_GetLastKeyValue @Address
Am I anywhere close to what you're asking for?
May 22, 2003 at 2:53 pm
No, you're not.
Your last response gives me some good ideas for future projects, but the website that I posted in my last response (the one about temporary tables) gave me a good solution that I'm using.
Thanks anyway.
May 23, 2003 at 9:16 am
The code that I'm dealing with requires a prefix that may or may not be there. The suffix is just a straight counter with leading 0's.
I would have gone with the Max-Count method if that were not the case.
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