return value from exec(string)

  • I'd like to write a generic procedure that will accept a table name and seed value and return a unique ID. The routine will check the seed value against the table, and if its exists, increment a counter by one.

    For example, table is 'Address' and the seed is 'CustKey'. If count of CustKey > 1, try CustKey1. If CustKey1 is there, then CustKey2 and so on. I would like it to return the unique ID.

    I've tried to exec('select count(*) from ' + @tableName + ' where IdentityCol = ' + testKey ) and that will return 0 or more, but how would I test what the returned value is?

    If this is not the best approach, what approach could I use? For the exec('string'), @@ROWCOUNT was unaffected. Also, it wouldn't recognize any declared variable outside of itself.

    Any help is appreciated.



  • Would you mind posting the table structures. I am not sure whether you have an unnormalized structure or not. If so, it may be advantageous to normalize the structure. Please post the DDL for the table, if possible. Thanks,


  • The example I gave was not the best in that it immediate brought up questions of why I was trying to generate the key in that way in the first place.

    The situation is more one of coming into a place where they keys are generated in this way, but for each table and I wanted to make it generic.

    The question is more: how do I get out results when EXEC a string and its SQL 6.5 compatibility, otherwise I would have used sp_executesql.

    I found a great solution at this website:

    where the author recommends creating a temporary table and putting the results inside as an INSERT.

  • I think I could help more if I understood what the overall objective is. Are you trying to get a scalar or table-type value from the procedure? If you are getting a scalar value, use an OUTPUT parameter or the intrinsic RETURNVALUE parameter:

    -- Output parameter
    DECLARE @OutputParam INT
    EXEC proc_GetLastKeyValue @Address, @OutputParam OUTPUT
    -- Return Value
    EXEC @r = proc_GetLastKeyValue @Address

    Am I anywhere close to what you're asking for?

  • No, you're not.

    Your last response gives me some good ideas for future projects, but the website that I posted in my last response (the one about temporary tables) gave me a good solution that I'm using.

    Thanks anyway.

  • This one does not need a temp table


    DECLARE @STRnvarchar(200),

    @Parm nvarchar(20),


    SET @STR = 'SELECT @Cnt= COUNT(*) FROM Authors'

    SET @Parm = '@Cnt int output'

    EXEC sp_executesql @STR , @Parm ,@Cnt OUT

    PRINT @Cnt

  • The code that I'm dealing with requires a prefix that may or may not be there. The suffix is just a straight counter with leading 0's.

    I would have gone with the Max-Count method if that were not the case.

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