Return Value as Well as Records from a Stored Procedure

  • The stored procedure below is used in an ASP.NET application that I'm developing to effectively page through a recordset. Is it possible to return the total number of records in the recordset as well as the specific set of records being returned? If so, how would I do that? Do I have to go with a separate stored procedure for that value?

    The total number of records in the underlying recordset is needed in order to correctly generate the associated Select Page [x] of [x] functionality.


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_getEmployeesNotAssignedAsDelegates]


    @startRowIndex int,

    @maximumRows int



    DECLARE @first_id int, @startRow int

    -- A check can be added to make sure @startRowIndex isn't > count(1)

    -- from employees before doing any actual work unless it is guaranteed

    -- the caller won't do that

    -- Get the first record or our page of records

    SET ROWCOUNT @startRowIndex;

    WITH RecordSet AS (SELECT Row_Number() Over (ORDER BY NameFirst, NameLast) as RowNum, ContactId FROM Contacts)

    SELECT @first_id = RowNum FROM RecordSet ORDER BY RowNum

    -- Now, set the row count to MaximumRows and get

    -- all records >= @first_id

    SET ROWCOUNT @maximumRows;

    --Using Row_Number() allows the underlying record set to be sorted by something other than the primary key as in the original article

    WITH RecordSet AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY NameFirst, NameLast) as RowNum, ContactId,

    CASE WHEN isFacilityGeneralNumber = 1 THEN FacilityGeneralNumberDescription ELSE NameFirst + ' ' + NameLast END AS Name FROM Contacts)

    SELECT RowNum, ContactId, Name FROM RecordSet WHERE RowNum >= @first_id

    ORDER BY RowNum




    If your interested the full article discussing the technique is located here.

  • David ...thanks for the procedure code ...could you also please post some DDL, sample data and expected results

    This will probably help you in getting quicker and tested replies

    as per this link:

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • You can return an integer value from a stored procedure:

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_doSomeStuff(@param1 as int)



    SELECT SomeColumns FROM SomeTable



    EXEC @totalRows = usp_doSomeStuff

    Don't know if this is what you are looking for.



    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Looks like @@RowCount is what I was looking for thanks.

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