return top 5 per datepart

  • i am wanting to return the top 5 errors by hour. the following query returns all

    select count(ERROR_LOG_NO) as ErrorCount, error_name, DatePart(Hour,ERROR_LOG_DATE) as ErrorHour, ERROR_SEVERITY

    from my_table

    where error_severity < 4

    group by DatePart(Hour,ERROR_LOG_DATE), error_name, Error_Severity

    order by ErrorHour desc, ErrorCount desc

    the following returns the top 5 form the latest hour

    select top(5)count(ERROR_LOG_NO) as ErrorCount, error_name, DatePart(Hour,ERROR_LOG_DATE) as ErrorHour, ERROR_SEVERITY

    from my_table

    where error_severity < 4

    group by DatePart(Hour,ERROR_LOG_DATE), error_name, Error_Severity

    order by ErrorHour desc, ErrorCount desc

    how do I combine the two queries to return the top5 for each datepart?

  • gchappell (7/12/2013)

    i am wanting to return the top 5 errors by hour. the following query returns all

    select count(ERROR_LOG_NO) as ErrorCount, error_name, DatePart(Hour,ERROR_LOG_DATE) as ErrorHour, ERROR_SEVERITY

    from my_table

    where error_severity < 4

    group by DatePart(Hour,ERROR_LOG_DATE), error_name, Error_Severity

    order by ErrorHour desc, ErrorCount desc

    the following returns the top 5 form the latest hour

    select top(5)count(ERROR_LOG_NO) as ErrorCount, error_name, DatePart(Hour,ERROR_LOG_DATE) as ErrorHour, ERROR_SEVERITY

    from my_table

    where error_severity < 4

    group by DatePart(Hour,ERROR_LOG_DATE), error_name, Error_Severity

    order by ErrorHour desc, ErrorCount desc

    how do I combine the two queries to return the top5 for each datepart?

    Your going to want to do a subquery using the row_number() over (partition by DATEPART() ORDER BY ErrorHour desc, errorcount desc). This will provide you with the numbers. Then in the outer query, just state where the row_number column <= 5

    so something like this:

    SELECT *


    , Count(Error_log_No) OVER (Partition by DATEPART(HOUR, Error_log_date)) ErrorCount

    , Error_Severity

    from table

    where error_severity < 4


    WHERE ID <= 5

    Performance note, if you expect this table to grow, I would suggest adding a new column that stores the DatePart so you aren't having to use the DATEPART function each query, which would kill performance on large tables.


  • Thanks Fraggle i'm going to try it now

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