Return the tokens matched in addition to the rows with a full text search query

  • I am working on a SQL Server 2008R2 query that leverages full text searching to find the appropriate rows with the data. However, and here is where I am stuck, I also have the requirement of providing which terms/stemmers matched when the terms were evaluated using OR with CONTAINS() or CONTAINSTABLE(). However, I cannot seem to find or come up with a way to produce the needed results.

    Example query to find associated records:




    FROM dbo.tbl_Documents d

    INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(tbl_Documents, contents, '"*West*" OR "*Consent*" OR "*Test*"') AS filter

    ON d.documentId = filter.[Key]

    This returns:

    documentId content

    7 West of the Mississippi

    10 West today, I consent.

    13 West yesterday, east today, let us test.

    However, I need something like this:

    documentId content matchSet

    7 West of the Mississippi west

    10 West today, I consent. west, consent

    13 West yesterday, east today, let us test. west, test

    I could not find a way to know what stemmer was found and the the only way I can figure out how to know even which term was found is by evaluating each term separately and looping through them or possibly by doing some joins with CONTAINS as a predicate.

    Has anyone else had a similar requirement with full-text searching and if so, how did you go about solving that requirement?

    I'm up for any suggestions or resources!

    I've been digging through MSDN but I don't see anything. Some articles I've reviewed:

    Full-Text Predicates and Functions Overview

    Full-Text Catalog and Index How-to Topics (Full-Text Search)


    CONTAINS (Transact-SQL)

    This question was originally posted on

    Thank you!


  • I am working on a SQL Server 2008R2 query that leverages full text searching to find the appropriate rows with the data. However, and here is where I am stuck, I also have the requirement of providing which terms/stemmers matched when the terms were evaluated using OR with CONTAINS() or CONTAINSTABLE(). However, I cannot seem to find or come up with a way to produce the needed results.

    Example query to find associated records:




    FROM dbo.tbl_Documents d

    INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(tbl_Documents, contents, '"*West*" OR "*Consent*" OR "*Test*"') AS filter

    ON d.documentId = filter.[Key]

    This returns:

    documentId content

    7 West of the Mississippi

    10 West today, I consent.

    13 West yesterday, east today, let us test.

    However, I need something like this:

    documentId content matchSet

    7 West of the Mississippi west

    10 West today, I consent. west, consent

    13 West yesterday, east today, let us test. west, test

    I could not find a way to know what stemmer was found and the the only way I can figure out how to know even which term was found is by evaluating each term separately and looping through them or possibly by doing some joins with CONTAINS as a predicate.

    Has anyone else had a similar requirement with full-text searching and if so, how did you go about solving that requirement?

    I'm up for any suggestions or resources!

    I've been digging through MSDN but I don't see anything. Some articles I've reviewed:

    Full-Text Predicates and Functions Overview

    Full-Text Catalog and Index How-to Topics (Full-Text Search)


    CONTAINS (Transact-SQL)

    This question was originally posted on

    Thank you!



    You can try something of this nature:

    with w as (select documentid, 'west' as matchset from tbl_Documents where content like ('%west%'))

    , c as (select documentid, 'consent' as matchset1 from tbl_Documents where content like ('%Consent%'))

    , t as (select documentid, 'test' as matchset2 from tbl_Documents where content like ('%test%'))

    SELECT d.documentId, d.content, w.matchset, c.matchset1 , t.matchset2

    FROM tbl_Documents d


    CONTAINSTABLE(tbl_Documents, content, '"*West*" OR "*Consent*" OR "*Test*"') AS f

    ON d.documentId = f.[Key] left join w on d.documentid = w.documentid

    left join c on d.documentid = c.documentid

    left join t on d.documentid = t.documentid

    Hopefully that helps.

    "There are no problems! Only solutions that have yet to be discovered!" :w00t:


    "There are no problems! Only solutions that have yet to be discovered!"

  • bopeavy,

    Thanks for looking this over and responding!

    After some testing, we decided to go with a stored procedure that runs a query to find the documents as well as using an inline function that returns which term was found. We'll see how that goes. Thanks.

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