Return the most recent row

  • Hello!

    I'm new to SQL and i've searched everywhere for the answer to this question but I can't seem to find the anwer anywhere. My question is.....

    If there are multiple rows for a specific filed, is there a way in SQL to only return the last row based on that specific field.

    For example, I wrote a query that returns a list of patients who have a specific lab type. If a patient has had several labs taken, they show up in the result set several times (for each lab date). I only want to return the row with the most recent lab date.

    Here is my query........

    SELECT id, resulted_test_desc, result_value, units, update_date

    FROM dbo.lab_result LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.mpi ON dbo.lab_result.blind_key = dbo.mpi.chart LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.mpi_xref ON dbo.mpi.chart = dbo.mpi_xref.blind_key

    WHERE resulted_test_desc = 'Hemoglobin'

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • One way of doing this is as follows:

    SELECT id, resulted_test_desc, result_value, units, update_date

    FROM dbo.lab_result LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.mpi ON dbo.lab_result.blind_key = dbo.mpi.chart LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.mpi_xref ON dbo.mpi.chart = dbo.mpi_xref.blind_key

    WHERE resulted_test_desc = 'Hemoglobin'

    and lab_result.<date_time_field> =

    (select max (t2.<date_time_field&gt

    from lab_result t2

    where t2.<patient_field> = lab_result.<patient_field>

    and t2.resulted_test_desc = lab_result.resulted_test_desc)


    The sub select gets the most recent date_time_field for the same patient for the same test.



  • I didn't do exactly what you posted but your suggestion led me to figuring it out. I used the MAX() function in the SELECT statement and used a GROUP BY for all of the fields listed in the SELECT. Thanks for all of your help. I really appreciate it.


  • If you're using SQL Server 2005 (I assume you're not, because you're posting on the SQL Server 7/2000 forum, but just in case ) there's another solution using ROW_NUMBER() and a subquery.


    SELECT, X.resulted_test_desc, X.result_value, X.units, X.update_date

    FROM (

    SELECT id, resulted_test_desc, result_value, units, update_date, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY update_date DESC) AS RowNumber

    FROM dbo.lab_result LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.mpi ON dbo.lab_result.blind_key = dbo.mpi.chart LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.mpi_xref ON dbo.mpi.chart = dbo.mpi_xref.blind_key

    WHERE resulted_test_desc = 'Hemoglobin' ) AS X

    WHERE X.RowNumber = 1


    The subquery will return something like this:

    id   .... other fields here  ..... update_date     RowNumber

    1                                       08/19/2006            1

    1                                       05/01/2006            2

    1                                        01/08/2006           3

    2                                        07/07/2007            1

    3                                        10/25/2006            1

    3                                        08/16/2006             2


    And you only have to pick those records whose RowNumber is 1.



    I hope this helps.

  • The easiest way to get the one most recent record from some group of records is simply SELECT TOP 1


    TOP 1 id, resulted_test_desc, result_value, units, update_date

    FROM dbo.lab_result

    LEFT JOIN dbo.mpi ON dbo.lab_result.blind_key = dbo.mpi.chart

    LEFT JOIN dbo.mpi_xref ON dbo.mpi.chart = dbo.mpi_xref.blind_key

    WHERE resulted_test_desc = 'Hemoglobin'

    ORDER BY update_date DESC

    If you want to get the most recent record in each group simultaneously, and you don't have SQL 2005 so you can't use ROW_NUMBER(), use a temp table with a unique index and add the IGNORE_DUP_KEY attribute to exclude the records you don't want.  On small tables you can use a self-join to a grouped subquery with MAX(update_date), but for larger tables the IGNORE_DUP_KEY method is much faster.

    -- Create a temp table with no data

    SELECT id, resulted_test_desc, result_value, units, update_date

    INTO #results

    FROM dbo.lab_result

    LEFT JOIN dbo.mpi ON dbo.lab_result.blind_key = dbo.mpi.chart

    LEFT JOIN dbo.mpi_xref ON dbo.mpi.chart = dbo.mpi_xref.blind_key

    WHERE 1=0

    -- Add a unique index

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_results ON #results (resulted_test_desc) WITH IGNORE_DUP_KEY

    -- Add the data with ORDER BY, only the first record for each group is kept

    SELECT id, resulted_test_desc, result_value, units, update_date

    INTO #results

    FROM dbo.lab_result

    LEFT JOIN dbo.mpi ON dbo.lab_result.blind_key = dbo.mpi.chart

    LEFT JOIN dbo.mpi_xref ON dbo.mpi.chart = dbo.mpi_xref.blind_key

    ORDER BY update_date DESC

    SELECT * FROM #results

    DROP TABLE #results

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