Return statement Proper use

  • I am looking for some clarity on the proper use of a Return Statement. As I understand things a Return statement in a Stored procedure is used to return a value to a calling procedure or application. Often used to identify specific type of errors and allow the calling application the ability to execute some logic based on this return value.

    A return value does not cause a SQL server Job execution to fail i.e. the return of a non-zero value like 1, 2 etc. does not automatically cause a SQL Server scheduled Job to fail. These values simply allow a calling procedure some idea why the procedure failed depending on the logic in the procedure.

    Appreciate validation, correction or clarification of the above statements.


  • Mark, I think you've described this well.

    I tend to add a "return" to all my procs, which returns 0 by default. It's just an easy way for me to see where they end. I have used this to return values as in

    exec @x = myfavoriteproc

    It's easier than output parameters to me, or maybe it's an old habit from programming days.

  • Thanks Steve:)

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