return multiple columns based on single CASE evaluation

  • Is their a slick way that I can check the condition of a field and return multiple discrete fields like a begin end block in a select statment

    select wakka, wakka2, wakka3,

    CASE WHEN ft.Payment_ID IS NOT NULL THEN p.TransID ELSE r.TransID END AS TransID,

    CASE WHEN ft.Payment_ID IS NOT NULL THEN p.Batch_ID ELSE r.Batch_ID END AS Batch_ID,

    CASE WHEN ft.Payment_ID IS NOT NULL THEN pm.Method ELSE rm.Method END AS Method,

    CASE WHEN ft.Payment_ID IS NOT NULL THEN p.MethodNumber ELSE r.MethodNumber END AS MethodNumber,

    CASE WHEN ft.Payment_ID IS NOT NULL THEN p.DepositNumber ELSE r.DepositNumber END AS DepositNumber,

    Trying to figure out if there is a faster way to do the five things listed above without having to check the condition 5 times.

  • It's kind of tough to visualize with no DDL, sample data and desired results to infer your requirement and test code against...can you provide that?

    Some guesses though...initial thought was two queries and a UNION ALL where one query had WHERE ft.Payment_ID IS NOT NULL and the other had WHERE ft.Payment_ID IS NULL, but that may give you more wakka than you want.

    CROSS APPLY can add rows to a resultset with logic to produce the correct column values too...but like I said, without a testbed it's tough to visualize.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • What i see from the CASE statemnet is that, based of the payment_id value, he is choosing from 2 different tables.. If thats the case, then i dont think there is any better way in doing it.

  • ColdCoffee (4/26/2012)

    What i see from the CASE statemnet is that, based of the payment_id value, he is choosing from 2 different tables.. If thats the case, then i dont think there is any better way in doing it.

    from the looks of the case statement i think ColdCoffee is right. unless he wanted to go with dynamic SQL but that opens up a whole other can of worms which may not be needed since the multiple case statements is a way i have done a query in the past. it looked ugly but underneath was the most beautiful execution plan i could get.

    For faster help in answering any problems Please read How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden[/url] for the best way to ask your question.

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    Jeff Moden's Cross tab and Pivots Part 1[/url]
    Jeff Moden's Cross tab and Pivots Part 2[/url]

  • jwmott - It is rather annoying but I haven't figured out an easy way to do that either.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
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  • There are a lot of people who can help you here. For that please post DDL, sample data and an example result set of what you are expecting so that they can find a solution for what you are trying to do.

    Please help them help you. Its not going to help you if they don't understand what you have posted.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • jwmott (4/26/2012)

    Is their a slick way that I can check the condition of a field and return multiple discrete fields like a begin end block in a select statment

    select wakka, wakka2, wakka3,

    CASE WHEN ft.Payment_ID IS NOT NULL THEN p.TransID ELSE r.TransID END AS TransID,

    CASE WHEN ft.Payment_ID IS NOT NULL THEN p.Batch_ID ELSE r.Batch_ID END AS Batch_ID,

    CASE WHEN ft.Payment_ID IS NOT NULL THEN pm.Method ELSE rm.Method END AS Method,

    CASE WHEN ft.Payment_ID IS NOT NULL THEN p.MethodNumber ELSE r.MethodNumber END AS MethodNumber,

    CASE WHEN ft.Payment_ID IS NOT NULL THEN p.DepositNumber ELSE r.DepositNumber END AS DepositNumber,

    Trying to figure out if there is a faster way to do the five things listed above without having to check the condition 5 times.

    You wanted something like

    select t1.col1,t1.col2,t1.col3,

    if t1.col4 is null then







    The answer is: No. You cannot do this in t-sql

    Using CASE WHEN 5-times is the right way, until you want to use dynamic sql (which is not really looks appropriate for your case)

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

    How to post your question to get the best and quick help[/url]

  • These three give the same result:

    USE AdventureWorks2008R2


    SELECT sp.BusinessEntityID AS BusinessEntityID,

    CASE WHEN sp.TerritoryID IS NOT NULL THEN e.OrganizationLevel

    ELSE sp.BusinessEntityID

    END AS ContactID

    FROM Sales.SalesPerson sp

    JOIN HumanResources.Employee e ON sp.BusinessEntityID = e.BusinessEntityID

    ORDER BY BusinessEntityID,


    SELECT sp.BusinessEntityID AS BusinessEntityID,

    e.OrganizationLevel AS ContactID

    FROM Sales.SalesPerson sp

    JOIN HumanResources.Employee e ON sp.BusinessEntityID = e.BusinessEntityID

    WHERE sp.TerritoryID IS NOT NULL


    SELECT sp.BusinessEntityID AS BusinessEntityID,

    sp.BusinessEntityID AS ContactID

    FROM Sales.SalesPerson sp

    JOIN HumanResources.Employee e ON sp.BusinessEntityID = e.BusinessEntityID

    WHERE sp.TerritoryID IS NULL

    ORDER BY BusinessEntityID,


    SELECT sp.BusinessEntityID AS BusinessEntityID,

    Contact.ContactID AS ContactID

    FROM Sales.SalesPerson sp

    JOIN HumanResources.Employee e ON sp.BusinessEntityID = e.BusinessEntityID


    SELECT CASE WHEN sp.TerritoryID IS NOT NULL THEN e.OrganizationLevel

    ELSE sp.BusinessEntityID


    ) Contact (ContactID)

    ORDER BY BusinessEntityID,



    The original and CROSS APPLY methods offer the same execution plan on my machine and both use the CASE expression. The plan for the UNION ALL did not look great comparatively speaking, but that doesn't always mean everything. While it appears to give the same result as the other two I did not test performance on large data.

    Re: the plans between the original and the CROSS APPLY, I ran this on a lowly 1cpu/2core machine. On a box with more cores, with more data, and more uses of CROSS APPLY the QO may produce a plan with parallelism and you may see some performance gains (nod to Paul White for that tidbit), but the use of a CASE expression may be a limiting factor, not sure.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Thanks everyone for taking the time and offering your expertise. I wasn't sure how much to post in the forum since the stored procedure that this comes from is over 3000 lines long. It is something that I have inherited and am trying to simplify, once I understand it all of course.


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