Return maximum concurrent users

  • Hi there,

    I have a table (Sessions) which consists of 3 columns:

    Date (DD:MM:YY hrs:min:sec), Concurrentusers (int), Application (nvchar(256))

    What I need to be able to do is to report the maximum number of concurrent users that occurred for each application on each day (and the time that happened).

    Using the SQL:

    Select Date, Max(concurrentusers), Application

    from sessions

    Group by Date, Application

    Returns me all of the Date entries. But I only want to see the Date (and time!) when the maximum number of concurrent users per application was reached.

    Any help very gratefully received....


  • You need to do a group by convert(varchar(10),Date,120),Application

  • Michael,

    thanks for that..... but it still wants me to put the column 'Date' in the group by statement.

    If I use 'convert(varchar(10),Date,120)' in the select statement I don't get the time element returned?


  • Have a go at this. It will even find duplicate maximum concurrent users. Don't know how this will run with millions of records.

    select s.Date,s.Application,m.maxusers



    select convert(varchar(10),Date,120) d,Application,max(Concurrentusers) maxusers

    from Sessions

    group by convert(varchar(10),Date,120),Application

    ) m

    join Sessions s on m.Application=s.Application and d=convert(varchar(10),s.Date,120) and m.maxusers=s.Concurrentusers

    order by convert(varchar(10),s.Date,120),s.Application

  • May I cut in?

    DECLARE@Sample TABLE (Date DATETIME, ConcurrentUsers INT, Application NVARCHAR(256))


    SELECT'20080514 15:15:14', 21, 'Peso' UNION ALL

    SELECT'20080514 15:17:14', 11, 'Yak' UNION ALL

    SELECT'20080515 15:10:10', 8, 'Peso'

    SELECTDATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, '19000101', Date), '19000101') AS theDate,

    MAX(Date) AS theTime,

    COUNT(*) AS Users


    GROUP BYDATEDIFF(DAY, '19000101', Date)

    ORDER BYDATEDIFF(DAY, '19000101', Date)

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Peso, your returns an error.

  • DECLARE@Sample TABLE (Date DATETIME, ConcurrentUsers INT, Application NVARCHAR(256))


    SELECT'20080514 11:00:00', 19, 'Peso' UNION ALL

    SELECT'20080514 15:15:14', 21, 'Peso' UNION ALL

    SELECT'20080514 15:17:14', 11, 'Yak' UNION ALL

    SELECT'20080515 15:10:10', 8, 'Peso'







    DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, '19000101', Date), '19000101') AS theDate,



    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Application, DATEDIFF(DAY, '19000101', Date) ORDER BY ConcurrentUsers DESC) AS RecID


    ) AS d

    WHERERecID = 1

    ORDER BYApplication,


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Mike, Peso,

    really big thank you guys! Both of your answers worked - but in slightly different ways.

    I ran both against my data (1,126,066 records) and the results were as follows:

    Peso - your query took 17.145 seconds and returned 7182 rows. The query returned the first instance of maximum concurrency occurring.

    Mike - your query took 4.306 seconds and returned 15317 rows. The query returned all instances of maximum concurrency occurring.

    Again, a big thanks you to you both.

    With very kind regards


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