May 10, 2011 at 7:29 am
I have a column (MaxOrderRank) in a temporary table (@Results) which I need to update using values in other columns within the same table.
There is another field which contains a ranking order. I need to populate ‘MaxOrderRank’ with the maximum ‘IndivOrderRank’ value for each Rep, ProductGroup and CustAcc group.
Before update
Rep, ProductGroup, CustAcc, OrderNo , IndivOrderRank, MaxOrderRank
PeterB, Oil, 04455, 34A, 1, 0
PeterB, Oil, 04455, 55A, 2, 0
PeterB, Oil, 04455, 82A, 3, 0
RogerP, Pro, 03477, 23A, 1, 0
RogerP, Pro, 03477, 26A, 2, 0
PeterB, Pro, 03792, 14A, 1, 0
PeterB, Pro, 04325, 35A, 1, 0
PeterB, Pro, 04325, 42A, 2, 0
After update
Rep, ProductGroup, CustAcc, OrderNo , IndivOrderRank, MaxOrderRank
PeterB, Oil, 04455, 34A, 1, 3
PeterB, Oil, 04455, 55A, 2, 3
PeterB, Oil, 04455, 82A, 3, 3
RogerP, Pro, 03477, 23A, 1, 2
RogerP, Pro, 03477, 26A, 2, 2
PeterB, Pro, 03792, 14A, 1, 1
PeterB, Pro, 04325, 35A, 1, 2
PeterB, Pro, 04325, 42A, 2, 2
Any ideas please?
Thanks in advance,
May 10, 2011 at 7:48 am
Not sure if this is the most efficient method, but the below should work - would help to see the rest of the query as it may be easier to populate in a previous operation...
Would also appreciate anyone elses comments on how efficient this is ?:-D
declare @results as
table (Rep varchar(10), ProductGroup varchar(10), CustAcc varchar(10), OrderNo varchar(10), IndivOrderRank int, MaxOrderRank int)
insert @results
select 'PeterB' Rep, 'Oil' ProductGroup, '04455' CustAcc, '34A' OrderNo, 1 IndivOrderRank, 0 MaxOrderRank
union all
select 'PeterB', 'Oil', '04455', '55A', 2, 0
union all
select 'PeterB', 'Oil', '04455', '82A', 3, 0
union all
select 'RogerP', 'Pro', '03477', '23A', 1, 0
union all
select 'RogerP', 'Pro', '03477', '26A', 2, 0
union all
select 'PeterB', 'Pro', '03792', '14A', 1, 0
union all
select 'PeterB', 'Pro', '03477', '35A', 1, 0
union all
select 'PeterB', 'Pro', '03477', '42A', 2, 0
update @Results
set MaxOrderRank = MxO
from @Results a
inner join
select Rep, ProductGroup, CustAcc, max(indivOrderrank) MxO
from @results
group by Rep, ProductGroup, CustAcc
) b
on a.productgroup = b.productgroup
and a.custacc = b.custacc
and a.rep = b.rep
select * from @results
May 10, 2011 at 8:32 am
Also this
MAX(IndivOrderRank) OVER(PARTITION BY Rep, ProductGroup, CustAcc) AS mx
FROM @results)
SET MaxOrderRank=mx;
Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before
How to get the best help on a forum 10, 2011 at 8:46 am
Nice - the client stats for the two appear to be the same - any idea if with greater volumes yours would perform better ?
May 10, 2011 at 8:48 am
You might read this as well:
Talks about solving your issue and how the query above works.
May 10, 2011 at 8:51 am
Great - thanks for the link Steve
May 10, 2011 at 9:16 am
Excellent responses guys. Thanks
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