Return date of following past week or future by 3 input arguments

  • Return a date (This is a calculated date based on the input arguments) It need to Take 3 arguments

    Starting Date (Date) (Example 10/10/2005)

    Increment (integer)  (Example  è +4 or -3)

    Day of the Week (Varchar)

    (Example Monday or Thursday)


    Example: If I need to calculate the 5th Monday after 10/10/2005 I will call the function like this è

    Exec fnCalculateNewDate @startDate= ‘10/10/2005’, @Increment=+5, @DayOfTheWeek=’Monday’

    If I need to calculate 4th Sunday before ‘10/10/2005, I will call the function line this

    Exec fnCalculateNewDate @startDate= ‘10/10/2005’, @Increment=-4, @DayOfTheWeek=’Sunday’

  • Can it take the SQL weekday values instead of VARCHAR. 

    6 instead of Friday?

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • no, The program has to use varchar unfortunately.. 

  • Too bad baceuse I think I have something that can do it with the number so you will just have to convert the VARCHAR to proper number yourself

    Please have a look at this code and this should give you at least the starting point. I think it works correctly assuming I understand your reqs properly. You did not specify what to do when the increment is 0. I am using getdate() just to test it but you can replace this with your date.

    DECLARE @dayofweek AS INT

    DECLARE @increment AS INT

    SET @dayofweek = 7

    SET @increment = -1

    IF @increment < 0 AND @dayofweek <> DATEPART(weekday, getdate())

    SELECT @increment = @increment + 1

    SELECT @increment =


     WHEN @dayofweek <= DATEPART(weekday, getdate()) THEN @increment - 1

     ELSE @increment - 2


    SELECT DATEADD(week, @increment, DATEADD(day, @dayofweek - 1, (DATEADD(day, (8 - DATEPART(weekday, getdate())) % 7, getdate()))))

    Have fun with this. I hope you can convert this to the function yourself.



    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • You could use the UDF shown below to convert the day-of-week name into a number, or, if you can validate @DayOfTheWeek, just use the expression:

    (CharIndex( Left(@DayOfTheWeek,3) , 'SunMonTueWedThuFriSat' ) / 3) + 1


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.DayNumber


      @dayName varchar(9)


    RETURNS tinyint



      DECLARE @pos int

      SET @pos = CharIndex( Left(@dayname,3) , 'SunMonTueWedThuFriSat' )

      IF @pos > 0

        RETURN (@pos / 3) + 1

      RETURN 0


  • Here's a quick shot at the entire function:

    -- SELECT dbo.fnCalculateNewDate('10/10/2005', -4, 'Sunday')


    DROP FUNCTION dbo.fnCalculateNewDate


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnCalculateNewDate


      @startDate datetime

    , @Increment int

    , @DayOfTheWeek varchar(9)


    RETURNS datetime



      DECLARE @pos int

            , @oldDayNumber int

            , @dayNumber int

            , @newDate datetime


      -- First, convert the day name into a day-of-week number

      -- Assume Sunday = 1 and Saturday = 7


      SET @pos = CharIndex( Left(@DayOfTheWeek,3) , 'SunMonTueWedThuFriSat' )

      IF @pos > 0


        SET @dayNumber = (@pos / 3) + 1


        -- Next, adjust the @startDate parameter to the day of

        -- week that was specfied, then add the number of weeks

        -- as requested via the @Increment parameter.


        SET @startDate = DateAdd(d, @dayNumber - DatePart(dw, @startDate), @startDate)

        SET @newDate = DateAdd(wk, @Increment, @startDate)

    -- or

    --    SET @newDate = DateAdd(wk, @Increment, DateAdd(d, @dayNumber - DatePart(dw, @startDate), @startDate))




        -- invalid DOW, return original date, or whatever you want to indicate an error

        SET @newDate = @startDate


      RETURN @newDate



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