Return data from exec statement

  • I'm running a query against a Linked Server (AS400/DB2) using the openquery function.  I need to pass in a date parameter, so I have to use the method described here.  At the end of the script, I run an exec statement, and I get data in the bottom of query analyzer.  My problem is I need to do further processing with the records returned, and cant quite figure out how to get the exec's return in a form I can use.

    I've tried declaring a cursor to use the returns like this:

    declare test cursor for

    exec <SP>

    <SP> being the script mentioned above, but I get a script error from QA...

    I think I just don't quite understand whats going on w/ an exec's return.  Can anyone clarify what exactly the return from the exec is?

    Here's the code from the stored procedure whose resultset I need to process further (with the select statement changed to protect the innocent...):

    create procedure SP



      declare @SQL as varchar(1000)

      declare @LinkedServer as varchar(30)

      declare @Statement as varchar(1000)

      declare @Date as datetime

      set @LinkedServer = 'AS400'

      set @Date = dateadd(dd,-2,getdate())


      set @SQL =        'select * from table where date = ' + @Date


      set @Statement = 'select * from OPENQUERY(' + @LinkedServer + ', '

      set @Statement = @Statement + '''' +  @SQL + ''')'




    Like I said earlier, when run from query analyzer, I see what I want, but can't figure out how to process the results further.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Tim C

    (PS, before anyone asks, this query I have to do HAS to be run through an openquery function.  if I just run the query adhoc, it can take 20 mins or more to complete.  the underlying table is HUGE....)

  • Create a temp table with the same structure as the results then do this :

    Insert into #temp (col1, col2, id) exec(@Statement)

  • If you know the data types of the data being returned from the dynamic sql you can insert the results of the exec in a temp table.  Create the temp table first and then do:


    insert #temptable (column_list) exec (@whatever)



    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Thanx for confirming .

  • I have to learn to type faster so I can get there first next time.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • You only have 2 minutes to cut down... shouldn't be too hard .

  • I don't know.  I've been at this for 20 years and I still just use 2 fingers.  It seems I can't type any faster than I think.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Now if it's not a typing problem, I can't help you, otherwise there's always those typing teaching softwares .

  • Haven't used temp tables before, so this is probably a very basic question ... What's the lifespan of the table?  Length of the current connection?  Some predefined timeout? 

  • Length of the connection or until you explicitly drop it.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • ...and it is placed in tempdb

    just to mention that it should be huge enough to hold the result without problems

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