Return counter in SELECT statement

  • I'm returning some records and would like to have the first field be a counter. 1 for the first record, 2 for the second, 3 for the third, etc. 

    Is there a way to do this in a select?


  • If the data is sorted on a column with unique values then you can do the following (uses pubs for example)

    select (select count(*)

      from pubs.dbo.stores s2

      where s2.stor_id <= s.stor_id) [Counter],*

    from pubs.dbo.stores s

    order by s.stor_id

    Otherwise, you can create a temp table with an identity column, insert the data into the temp table, then select from the temp table.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Here is what Allen Cui showed me before:

    select a.*, IDENTITY(int, 1,1)  as Counter

    into #tmptb  

    from  yourtable a

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