Return a value from a table for use in my SP

  • I want to lookup a certain value in a table, and then assign that value to a variable in my SP. I have the SQL that returns the value that I need, and it works fine:


    Convert(int,Replace([ref des],'Vnone',''))+1 AS VSC

    FROM BOMOut_FPM_Fix1

    WHERE BOMOut_FPM_Fix1.[ref des] Like 'vnone%'

    And IsNumeric(Replace([ref des], 'Vnone', '')) = 1

    ORDER BY convert(int,Replace([ref des],'Vnone','')) DESC

    But now, in my SP, how do I assign this value to a variable? I was thinking it might be something simple like:

    set @i=SELECT TOP 1

    Convert(int,Replace([ref des],'Vnone',''))+1 AS VSC

    FROM BOMOut_FPM_Fix1

    WHERE BOMOut_FPM_Fix1.[ref des] Like 'vnone%'

    And IsNumeric(Replace([ref des], 'Vnone', '')) = 1

    ORDER BY convert(int,Replace([ref des],'Vnone','')) DESC

    But of course, things never seem to be that simple...? How do I do this?

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]She Through Whom All Data Flows[/font]

  • select top 1 @i =

    Convert(int,Replace([ref des],'Vnone',''))+1 AS VSC

    FROM BOMOut_FPM_Fix1

    WHERE BOMOut_FPM_Fix1.[ref des] Like 'vnone%'

    And IsNumeric(Replace([ref des], 'Vnone', '')) = 1

    ORDER BY convert(int,Replace([ref des],'Vnone','')) DESC


    "You do not really understand something until you can explain it to your grandmother" - Albert Einstein

  • Thanks,

    I found that I must remove the "As VSC" to get this to work.

    Also found out that just putting parentheses around my original select statement works:

    set @i=(SELECT TOP 1

    Convert(int,Replace([ref des],'Vnone',''))+1 AS VSC

    FROM BOMOut_FPM_Fix1

    WHERE BOMOut_FPM_Fix1.[ref des] Like 'vnone%'

    And IsNumeric(Replace([ref des], 'Vnone', '')) = 1

    ORDER BY convert(int,Replace([ref des],'Vnone','')) DESC)

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]She Through Whom All Data Flows[/font]

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