Return a set of records related to a certain period in time

  • Hello all,

    I have a following situation: my table contains data of category assignments in certain period in time. Records have a timestamp and an action ID which "holds" a set of categories together:

    create table #Assignment (

    CustomerID int,

    ActionID int,

    AssignmentDate datetime


    create table #CategoryAction (

    ActionID int,

    CategoryID int


    create table #Category (

    CategoryID int,

    CategoryName varchar(10)


    insert into #Assignment (AssignmentDate, CustomerID, ActionID)

    select '2008-11-25 09:00:00.222',123,30 union all

    select '2008-11-23 10:12:13.125',123,20 union all

    select '2008-11-20 06:05:09.333',123,10 union all

    select '2008-11-15 22:06:15.333',456,5;

    insert into #CategoryAction (ActionID, CategoryID)

    select 30,1 union all

    select 30,2 union all

    select 30,3 union all

    select 20,1 union all

    select 20,2 union all

    select 10,3 union all

    select 10,4 union all

    select 5,1;

    insert into #Category (CategoryID, CategoryName)

    select 1,'BLUE' union all

    select 2,'RED' union all

    select 3,'YELLOW' union all

    select 4,'WHITE';

    This means that e.g. customer 123 had following assignments:

    - to "YELLOW" and "WHITE" on 2008-11-20 06:05:09.333 (ACTION_ID 10)

    - this combination was valid until 2008-11-23 10:12:13.125 when customer was assigned a new set of categories: "BLUE" and "RED" (ACTION_ID 20)

    - which was valid until 2008-11-25 09:00:00.222 when finally a set of "BLUE", "RED" and "YELLOW" was assigned (ACTION_ID 30).

    I am trying to select a set of records that would describe the category assignment for a certain patient on a certain point in time such as e.g. "show a set of categories valid on 2008-11-23 11:11:33 for customer 123".

    Expected result here would be "BLUE" and "RED" (ACTION_ID 20) as "BLUE" and "RED" were assigned on to customer 123 on 2008-11-23 10:12:13.125 and valid until the next assignment which was on 2008-11-25 (ACTION_ID 30)

    Many thanks,


  • For the sample data that you've posted, what's the output that you want? What records do you want back?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • ...more specifically, are you expecting each category to be in a separate record in the resultset or are you expecting them all to be in the same row? (pivoting) Another question, will you always be trying to get the results for just 1 customer or will you need to query the point in time categories for multiple customers at the same time? These will change how you write the query.

  • Hello Gail/Chris,

    thanks for the quick responses!

    This is what I expect actually:

    insert into #Result (AssignmentDate, CustomerID, CategoryName)

    select '2008-11-23 10:12:13.125',123,'RED' union all

    select '2008-11-23 10:12:13.125',123,'BLUE' union all

    select '2008-11-15 22:06:15.333',456,'BLUE';

    select * from #Result

    Meaning that Chris is right assuming that I will query for multiple customers for a certain point in time. The explanation for the result table would be: on 2008-11-23 11:11:33 the categories assignment was "RED" and "BLUE" for customer 123 and "RED" for customer 456 (pivoting not needed)



  • ...customer 456 had assignment to "BLUE" of course... Sorry for the mistake.


  • This should do what you are looking for:

    SELECT a.AssignmentDate, a.CustomerID, c.CategoryName


    (SELECT CustomerID, ActionID, AssignmentDate,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY AssignmentDate DESC) AS recentness

    FROM #Assignment

    WHERE AssignmentDate <= @PointInTime) a

    INNER JOIN #CategoryAction ca ON a.ActionID = ca.ActionID

    INNER JOIN #Category c ON ca.CategoryID = c.CategoryID

    WHERE a.recentness = 1

    ORDER BY a.CustomerID, c.CategoryName

    an alternative method, slightly slower but works in versions before SQL Server 2005:

    SELECT a.AssignmentDate, a.CustomerID, c.CategoryName

    FROM #Assignment a

    INNER JOIN #CategoryAction ca ON a.ActionID = ca.ActionID

    INNER JOIN #Category c ON ca.CategoryID = c.CategoryID


    (SELECT CustomerID, MAX(AssignmentDate) AS LastAssignment

    FROM #Assignment a

    WHERE AssignmentDate <= @PointInTime

    GROUP BY CustomerID) la ON a.CustomerID = la.CustomerID AND a.AssignmentDate = la.LastAssignment

    ORDER BY a.CustomerID, c.CategoryName

  • Chris,

    thanks a million for your quick responses and excellent solutions, both work like a charm!

    Many greetings,


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