Retrieving Unique Customers in SQL

  • Hi,

    I am trying to work out the number of UNIQUE customers within a date range. So between the 1st and 8th I want to display the NUMBER of Unique customers per day(1st - 8th), meaning the customers on the 1st must not show on the 2nd - 8th, and those on the 2nd must not show on the 3rd - 8th etc.

    My query up to now is displaying ALL the customers, from the 1st to the 8th:


    (DateTimeStamp Varchar(20),

    CustomerName Varchar(100),

    CustomerID INT)





    SELECT (CAST (CAST (RIGHT ('0' + CAST(YEAR([DateTimeStamp]) AS VARCHAR(4)),4) + '/' +

    RIGHT('0' + CAST((MONTH([DateTimeStamp])) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) + '/' +

    RIGHT('0' + CAST(DAY([DateTimeStamp]) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) AS CHAR(10))AS VARCHAR(10))),


    FROM EasyRecharge.dbo.CustomerUsage CUS

    INNER JOIN EasyRecharge.dbo.Customers_Dormant CNU on CUS.FromMSISDN = CNU.MSISDN

    WHERE ([DateTimeStamp]

    between '2009/07/01 00:00:00' AND '2009/07/08 23:59:59')

    GROUP BY CUS.CustomerName,CUS.CustomerID, (CAST (CAST (RIGHT ('0' + CAST(YEAR([DateTimeStamp]) AS VARCHAR(4)),4) + '/' +

    RIGHT('0' + CAST((MONTH([DateTimeStamp])) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) + '/' +

    RIGHT('0' + CAST(DAY([DateTimeStamp]) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) AS CHAR(10))AS VARCHAR(10)))

    ORDER BY (CAST (CAST (RIGHT ('0' + CAST(YEAR([DateTimeStamp]) AS VARCHAR(4)),4) + '/' +

    RIGHT('0' + CAST((MONTH([DateTimeStamp])) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) + '/' +

    RIGHT('0' + CAST(DAY([DateTimeStamp]) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) AS CHAR(10))AS VARCHAR(10)))

    I hope someone can help me.'

    Thank you



  • SELECT MIN(dateTimeStamp), CUS.customerName, CUS.CustomerID

    FROM EasyRecharge.dbo.CustomerUsage CUS

    INNER JOIN EasyRecharge.dbo.Customers_Dormant CNU on CUS.FromMSISDN = CNU.MSISDN

    WHERE ([DateTimeStamp]

    between '2009/07/01 00:00:00' AND '2009/07/08 23:59:59')

    GROUP BY CUS.customerName, CUS.customerID

    This is assuming that the dateTimeStamp column is of dateTime datatype. You might have to do all of that formatting to this column but I think this is close to what you were asking.

    Let me know if this works.

  • It doesnt seem to work. It is still displaying all the customers.

    Basically what I want is,eg day 1 -7. day 7 must show only the unique customers, which means that the customers between day 1 - 6 must not be displayed in day 7. The same goes for day 6 , must not have day 1 - 5 customers in it.

    But I want to display the number of customers, and not the actualy names. Eg

    Day 1 : 5 Unique customers

    Day 2 : 2 Unique customers

    Day 3 : 0 Unique customers(which means that the same customers in Day 1 and 2 might have done some transactions

    Day 4 : 15 Unique Customers(this is excluding day 1 - 3' customers)


    any ideas how ?

  • Hi,

    In that case you can try the bellow query

    SELECT a.dt, COUNT(*) As Customer_Count



    SELECT MIN(Convert(varchar,dateTimeStamp,101)) AS dt, CUS.customerName, CUS.CustomerID

    FROM EasyRecharge.dbo.CustomerUsage CUS

    INNER JOIN EasyRecharge.dbo.Customers_Dormant CNU on CUS.FromMSISDN = CNU.MSISDN

    WHERE ([DateTimeStamp]

    between '2009/07/01 00:00:00' AND '2009/07/08 23:59:59')

    GROUP BY CUS.customerName, CUS.customerID

    ) A

    GROUP BY a.dt

  • That actually worked perfect!!!!!!!

    Thank you so much!!!

    How do I accept your reply as the answer?

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