Retrieving the ID of a record just inserted

  • We've been blissfully running these two lines to insert a record, and to retrieve the unique ID of the record just inserted.
    INSERT INTO FIFO ( xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx ) VALUES( xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx )        // Insert record
    SELECT MAX( UID ) AS Value FROM FIFO                                            // Get the UID of the record just inserted
    However, now we've a lot of users running our app, we're possibly getting someone else inserting a record at roughly the same time, and therefore the retrieval of the ID is returning the ID of someone else's record.
    I'm guessing we might be able to solve this with some form of transaction, but I'm not clued up on it - anyone have some bright ideas?
  • Take a look at scope_identity in books online.  It may meet your needs.

    "SCOPE_IDENTITY Returns the last IDENTITY value inserted into an IDENTITY column in the same scope. A scope is a module -- a stored procedure, trigger, function, or batch. Thus, two statements are in the same scope if they are in the same stored procedure, function, or batch"

    Hope this helps


  • if your column is not IDENTITY qualified, you should consider encapsulation of the insertion in a stored proc with an output parameter returning the inserted value :

    1° Begin transaction

    2° inserting de record

    3° getting max(id) into return parameter

    4° commit transaction

  • Thanks for that.

    The stored procedure will have to perform an EXEC sp_executesql, as I'm passing dynamic INSERT statements.  The SP cannot be table specific.

    Therefore, it would seem the INSERT is being performed in another scope and scope_identity() returns diddly squat.

    I will have to wrap this in a transaction, and hope that solves the problem.


    Thanks guys.

  • We use RETURN @@Identity as in the example below:


      INSERT INTO tblUsers (FName, LName)

        VALUES ('John', 'Smith')

      RETURN @@Identity


  • Watch out for @@identity - if there is a trigger which causes rows to be inserted in another table you will get the id of the LAST row inserted, regardless of the table.

  • OK, I hesitate to even offer this solution.  Nevertheless, it's saved my bacon, and is useful although not optimal as far as performance is concerned:


    ---TEST Table

    if object_ID('tempdb..##Test') is not null drop table ##Test

    create table ##Test (ID int identity)


    --declare temporary table to hold returned ID

    if object_ID('tempdb..#ID') is not null drop table #ID

    create table #ID (ID int)

    --Create variable to hold ID

    declare @ID int

    --Populate temp table

    Insert #ID

    EXEC sp_executesql N'Insert ##Test Default values

    select scope_identity()'

    --Populate variable

    select @ID = ID

    From #ID

    ---Process Variable

    select @ID

    --clear temp table

    truncate table #ID

    Signature is NULL

  • If you can add one more column to your table than:
    create table FIFO(xxx,xxx,xxx, GUID uniqueidentifier)

    declare @GUID uniqueidentifier
    set @GUID = NewID()
    INSERT INTO FIFO ( xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx, GUID&nbsp VALUES( xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx, @GUID&nbsp        // Insert record
    SELECT  UID AS Value 
    where GUID = @GUID                                            // Get the UID of the record just inserted
    It works much faster than using temporary table, especially if you have an index on GUID column.
    Hope this help.

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