Retrieving records

  • Hi ,

    I have two tables named users and friends...

    In users table i have fields like userid,username,picture(path from

    where the picture was downloaded)

    In friends table I have fields like friend_id,userid,request_status(accepted or rejected)

    how to retrieve the names of the friends...

    I want the output to have fields like Userid,UserName,Friend_id,

    along with friend's name.But the friends table does not contain friendname...Could anyone help me on this query

    Thanks in advance

  • Is the friend_id a reference to users table? (which i think should)

    SELECTT.userid, U.username, T.friend_id, F.username As friendname, T.request_status

    FROMfriends T

    INNER JOIN users U ON T.userid = U.userid

    INNER JOIN users F ON T.friend_id = F.userid


  • I'm not sure if I'm missing something here, as the query seems pretty straightforward. You don't, however, include details about how the tables link to each other, so I'll have to make some assumptions.

    You need to join friends to an aliased user table something like this:

    select u1.userid, u1.username, f.friend_id, u2.username friendname

    from users u1

    inner join friends f on f.userid= u1.userid

    inner join users u2 on u2.userid = f.friend_id

  • Thanks a lot

    It's working fine

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