Retrieving data from a postcode string

  • I think one thing guaranteed if you want to get the 1st section of the postcode is that the last 3 digits always make up the 2nd section, therefore if you remove the last 3 characters and right trim it to remove a space (if it exists) then it should work:

    SELECT RTRIM(LEFT(@postcode, LEN(@postcode) - 3))

  • Thanks James

    That's doing the job!

    Sharing knowledge saves valuable time!
    Simon Martin

  • I have been working on a very similar problem with Postcodes!

    We have all sorts of problems with incomplete or incorrect postcodes but need to report on various postcode regions. the following is the sql for a view I created which looks at the postcodes and strips out the first part upto the space or returns just the first part if that is all that has been stored

    ie. w1 2ab woud return w1

    w1t 2ab would return w1


    Very Messy but it works for me.





    SELECT     Client_Ref, Post_Code, PostCodeRegion = CASE WHEN Post_Code IS NULL

                          THEN 'PostCodeError' WHEN Post_Code = '' THEN 'PostCodeError' WHEN (Post_Code LIKE '%[`!"£$%^&*()_+#''*?_;,./]%')

                          THEN 'PostCodeError' WHEN substring(ltrim(Post_Code), 1, 1) NOT LIKE '[a-z]' THEN 'PostCodeError' WHEN substring(ltrim(Post_Code), 2, 1)

                          = '0' THEN 'PostCodeError' WHEN

                              (SELECT     CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code))) = 0 AND (len(ltrim(Post_Code))) < 5 THEN CASE WHEN isnumeric(SUBSTRING(ltrim(Post_Code),

                          Len(ltrim(Post_Code)), 1)) = 1 THEN ltrim(Post_Code) WHEN isnumeric(SUBSTRING(ltrim(Post_Code), Len(ltrim(Post_Code)), 1))

                          = 0 THEN CASE WHEN isnumeric(SUBSTRING(ltrim(Post_Code), Len(ltrim(Post_Code)) - 1, 1)) = 1 THEN SUBSTRING(ltrim(Post_Code), 1,

                          Len(ltrim(Post_Code)) - 1) ELSE 'PostCodeError' END END WHEN

                              (SELECT     CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code))) = 0 AND (len(ltrim(Post_Code))) > 4 THEN 'PostCodeError' WHEN

                              (SELECT     CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code))) > 0 AND

                              (SELECT     CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code))) < 6 THEN CASE WHEN isnumeric(SUBSTRING(ltrim(Post_Code), (CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code)) - 1),

                          1)) = 1 THEN SUBSTRING(ltrim(Post_Code), 1, (CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code)))) WHEN isnumeric(SUBSTRING(ltrim(Post_Code), (CHARINDEX(' ',

                          ltrim(Post_Code)) - 1), 1)) = 0 THEN CASE WHEN isnumeric(SUBSTRING(ltrim(Post_Code), (CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code)) - 2), 1))

                          = 0 THEN 'PostCodeError' ELSE SUBSTRING(ltrim(Post_Code), 1, (CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code)) - 2)) END END WHEN

                              (SELECT     CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code))) > 4 THEN 'PostCodeError' END

    FROM         Clients

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