retrieving an ID from one table and into another

  • Please this is not a web question.

    I am writing a web form input screen that will retrieve an ID from one table and populate that into another table dynamically.

    Then I am writing a stored procedure that will actually do the insertion.

    Can someone please tell me how that is done?

    Normally, I can accomplish that by using these steps:

    Create Procedure InsertAccidentRecord(

    @empID int,

    @EmpName varchar(50))



    SELECT @EmpName = Ename

    FROM theEmp

    WHERE EmpID = @EmpID

    THen I would insert the empname into the other table:

    INSERT INTO tblMain(








    Above code would have inserted eName based on empID.

    In the current situation, what I am trying to insert is empId, which means that the select statement would look like this:

    SELECT @EmpID = EmpID

    FROM theEmp

    WHERE EmpID = @EmpID

    DOes anyone have any idea how I can handle this?

    Thanks in advance

  • Not quiet sure what you are saying, but I would put add a trigger on insert.

  • Why do you need the EmpName in your first procedure? It's already in table theEmp. It's just redundant data at this point...


    The procedure doesn't quite make sense...You are passing in the EmpName variable parameter, but then resetting it in the first SELECT statement, then passing it to another INSERT procedure that doesn't even need the variable...Is this what you wanted?:

    CREATE PROC dbo.InsertAccident
    @EmpID INT
    INSERT INTO tblMain
    SELECT @EmpID, EName
    FROM theEmp
    WHERE EmpID = @EmpID
  • I wasn't actually passing in empName.

    I was using that as an example but I do understand what your example is saying.

    For instance, if I need to retrieve the value of empid from emp table to be inserted into tblMain, by looking at your example, it would be written like this:

    select empid

    from emp

    where empid = @empid.

    If this assumption of what I think you mean is correct, then that will solve my problem.

    Thank you!

  • quote:

    select empid

    from emp

    where empid = @empid.

    Why not just do an Insert Into Table(EmpID) Values(@EmpID)

    The select statement is wasted unnecessary unless you want to insert more than one row, and you are inserting varied data rather than the same thing multiple times, where the empid matches your criteria.

  • I have got everything working now the way I want it.

    Thanks for your input.

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