retrieving adjacent columns from Max()

  • I am retrieving the max date field from a table as in Select Max(StartDate) but I also want to get another column that is in the same row as that piece of data. Is there any way to do this without re-querying the table looking for a date equal to that particular date? The problem is that there could be multiple rows with that same date value but other columns would be different.

  • One alternative is to use TOP clause

    SELECT TOP 1 date_column,<other columns>,...

    FROM table

    WHERE <condition>

    ORDER BY date_column DESC

  • Another solution is using a join. This solution will give you more than one record if the max(StartDate) is not unique in the table.

    SELECT t.<needed columns>
    FROM Table t
    INNER JOIN (SELECT MAX(StartDate) StartDate
    FROM Table
    WHERE <conditions>
    ) temp
    ON t.StartDate = temp.StartDate

    It is easy to extend this query to match all records grouped by some criterium, by adding a GROUP BY clause in the 'temp' query. A typical example would be to get the last purchase for each client in a purchasing system.

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