Retrieve Number based on Indexkey

  • Hi,

    Please let me know how to retrieve the number from Attribute column based on IndexKey using user defined function.

    create table Test_FindIndexNumber

    (AttributeKey varchar(100)null ,

    DisplayIndexNumber int null)

    insert into Test_FindIndexNumber(AttributeKey,IndexKey,DisplayIndexNumber)

    values ('A.B(1).C(1).D(10)','A.B(n).C(n)',null)







    Index Key : A.B(n).C(n)

    DisplayIndexNumber: A.B(1).C(1).D(10) is 1

    DisplayIndexNumber : A.B(2).C(100).D(1000).F(333) is 100

    DisplayIndexNumber : A.B(3).C(20).D(40).F(333).E(100) is 20


    Index Key : A.B.C.D(n)

    DisplayIndexNumber : A.B.C.D(10).F(100) is 10

    DisplayIndexNumber : A.B.C.D(1000).K(333) is 1000

    DisplayIndexNumber : 'A.B.C.D(40).K(22).E(100) is 40

    Generate DisplayIndexNumber using 'n' from indexkey when applied to Attribute is the output for all cases

    Please help me.



  • ;with smpl



    select 'A.B.C(1).D(10)' IK

    union select 'A.B.C(100).D(1000).F(333)'

    union select 'A.B.C(20).D(40).E(100)'


    select SUBSTRING(IK,7,CHARINDEX(')',IK)-7) from smpl

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  • Hi,

    I am expecting a generic solution so that even if the attributes change,it should work

  • ssskumar4u (9/21/2012)


    I am expecting a generic solution so that even if the attributes change,it should work


    And I am expecting you to read and follow forum "how to post questions" guide. So, no-one need to waste their time on guessing requirement details and setting up data for try and test.

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  • Hi,

    I have updated my problem statement as per given guidelines. Hope it is fine now.


  • Ok, this kind of work is not for T-SQL to do.

    You will be best to create CLR function for this. Your IndexKey is not really a Key, but a pattern.

    In CLR you can use RegEx to achieve what you want in much more sufficient way than in T-SQL.

    You may find some people here, who will take this as some kind of challenge and may come up with T-SQL way of solving it, but again - this is not what T-SQL is for.

    The closest analogue of RegEx in T-SQL is PATINDEX function, but it has very limited functionality and it will not be easy to apply flexible patters of sort you have.

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  • ssskumar4u (9/21/2012)


    I have updated my problem statement as per given guidelines. Hope it is fine now.


    I totally agree with Eugene. I thought I might have a go at it just for fun but your ddl is not valid. Your insert statement has more columns than the table.


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  • CREATE FUNCTION dbo.f_OhMyGod (@str varchar(100), @pattern varchar(100)) RETURNS VARCHAR(100)




    SET @pattern = '%' + REPLACE(REVERSE(LEFT(@pattern, LEN(@pattern) - 2)),')n(',')[0-9]%(')

    SET @STR = REVERSE(@str)

    RETURN LEFT(REVERSE(LEFT( @STR, PATINDEX(@pattern,@str)-1)), CHARINDEX(')',REVERSE(LEFT(@str, PATINDEX(@pattern,@str )-1)))-1)



    create table Test_FindIndexNumber

    (AttributeKey varchar(100)null ,IndexKey varchar(100),

    DisplayIndexNumber int null)

    insert into Test_FindIndexNumber(AttributeKey,IndexKey,DisplayIndexNumber)

    values ('A.B(1).C(1).D(10)','A.B(n).C(n)',null)






    SELECT dbo.f_OhMyGod(AttributeKey, IndexKey) As Result

    FROM Test_FindIndexNumber

    Please note, function may return error if pattern not found! You can add error handling as you wish.

    I would still do it in CLR, if I would be you.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
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  • Thanks Eugene Elutin for your help.

    Its working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • I'm glad to help, but make sure you understand how it's working. Otherwise you may have a trouble when someone ask you to explain it...

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
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