Retrieve data from SQL stored procedure in MS Excel

  • OK,

    Found it!!!

    I have just been following this thread because I have the same problem as the poster. I stripped my failing proc right down to doing nothing other than populating a #temp table, then selecting * from the #temp table. FAIL. Tried changing to a table variable. FAIL.

    Just selecting the records without putting them into the temp table works.

    Then I found this article -

    In a nutshell, after loading all the params into your cmd object, you stick...

    rst.ActiveConnection = cn

    rst.Open "SET NOCOUNT ON"

    *before* your Set rst = cmd.Execute() statement, and wullah! Problem solved. Pleeeeze tell me this works for you also.



  • Oh very cool. Thank you Stan!

  • You're welcome Lisa. While I'm here I might be able to save you or anyone else who gets this far and then battles with wondering why they can't use MoveFirst or MoveLast even when they open their recordset with adOpenKeyset.

    First off, adOpenKeyset may not be a constant in VBA, so you should check or just use 3. The other problem is that it's defaulting to a server-side cursor in which you can't do anything other than move row by row. You need a (duh!) client-side (Excel) cursor so you can use MoveFirst and MoveLast. Set your CursorLocation = 3 as below. And lastly, if you want to transfer the recordset to your spreadsheet easily, create a range and use CopyFromRecordset. Here's my proc to get a recordset from a SQL Server 2005 proc and populate a dashboard with the history data and then the values from the current month (the last row in the dataset)...


    Public Sub GetUsageData(asDateFrom As String, asDateTo As String, aiRepGroup As Integer, asDatePeriod As String)


    Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection

    Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command

    Dim prm As ADODB.Parameter

    Dim rng As Excel.Range

    Dim rowCount As Long


    cnn.ConnectionString = C_CONNSTRING

    cnn.CursorLocation = 3


    Set rng = Range("B17:E17") 'recordset has 4 columns, so this is the row *under* the titles of the columns where the data will go

    cmd.CommandText = C_SQL_SP_USAGE: cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc: cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn

    'set the param values

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@ReportDateFrom", adDBDate, adParamInput, , asDateFrom): cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@ReportDateTo", adDBDate, adParamInput, , asDateTo): cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@CostCtrStr", adInteger, adParamInput, , aiRepGroup): cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@DatePeriod", adChar, adParamInput, 1, asDatePeriod): cmd.Parameters.Append prm


    'have to put this in when you use temporary tables

    rst.ActiveConnection = cnn

    rst.CursorType = 3

    rst.Open "SET NOCOUNT ON", cnn, 3

    Set rst = cmd.Execute()

    'copy data to Excel


    rowCount = rng.CopyFromRecordset(rst)


    Range("B5").Value = rst.Fields(1).Value

    Range("B8").Value = rst.Fields(2).Value

    Range("B11").Value = rst.Fields(3).Value

    Range("B17:B400").NumberFormat = "MMM yyyy" 'CopyFromRecordset removes the formatting, so put it back

    Range("C17:E400").NumberFormat = "###,###" 'ditto




    End Sub

    knock yourself out! :Whistling:

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