Restoring v7 dumps into v8 server but not as sa

  • I have noticed that if I restore a v7 backup into a v8 server without sa rights I end up owning a number of the system tables instead of dbo. This causes issues with some of the standard procs like sp_helpfiles, as one of the tables to change ownership is sysfiles.

    Is there a pre-requisite that this restore/upgrade must be done by an 'sa' ?

    It is an issue for me as my users have an application which allows them to restore backups, I don't want to give them sa but just the databasecreators server role to minimise the security risk.

    The back catalog of backups is too vast for me to load each v7 backup as sa and then do a backup to get a v8 file for the users to subsequently.

    Anyone heard of this before, or seen a solution ?



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  • Indeed I would.

    I am taking the approach of writing an asp web page which will mimick the restore functionality of the desktop app but take away the need for the actual user to have sa rights. A bit of a pain, but is a solution.

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