Restoring log - MB/sec

  • I am restoring a log backup over a network
    (ie the log file is on ServerA; it is being restored on ServerB)
    In the statement:
    RESTORE LOG successfully processed 6938 pages in 152.778 seconds (0.372 MB/sec).
    What does the (0.372 MB/sec) represent? Is that how fast it going across the network connection?
  • It appears to be a summary of the time it takes to process the log file during the restore:

    1 page is 8kB in size, so

    6938 pages makes 55.5MB (ie. 6938*8/1000), hence

    55.5/152.778 is 0.363 MB/sec! Not exactly 0.37, but close enough.

  • Ahh ok so it doesn't really represent how fast it goes across the network...

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