Restoring a DB to Another Server

  • I have 2 SQL Servers, one is live and the other is a test/standby server. The live server has a full backup taken at midnight with a differential every hour.

    I recently restored the full backup to the test server; everything appeared fine until I looked at the users for this DB. Only dbo was present however there should be several others, the user logins are the there however. When I tried to add one of the users I get error 15023: user already exits in DB. I have tried transferring the logins using DTS but it has not made any difference. The sql I used to restore the DB was - RESTORE DATABASE [HPT] FROM DISK = 'g:\hpt.bak'.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi, see the article: -


    Andy Jones


  • Thanks for that Andy, I now have my list of users associated with the DB again.

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