
  • I was trying to refresh a database, I've had all kinds of issues doing it and it's just this one stupid db. The db is on SS7. I've tried to recreate the db and DTS the db from SS2000 to SS7, I've tried to restore the SS7 db from a SS2000 db - nothing is working

    I've dropped the db from SS7, copied the same db from SS2000 and pasted it onto SS7. I've tried to attach the db and this is the error I'm getting:

    The header for file 'E:\MSSQL7\logs\dist_log.ldf' is not a valid database file header. The PageAudit property is incorrect.

    OMG what have I done :crying:

  • I could be mistaken, but I believe you'll need to script the database on 2000, run the script on SQL 7, then bcp/DTS the data over.

    Databases can be upgraded fairy easily, but not downgraded.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I agree with Gail on this one. I answered your post in the SQL 2005 forums. You can view my reponse from there. I have a pretty good link that will help you out.

  • I realized I posted it in the wrong forum so I changed it. Thanks for the reply.

    I don't know what happened, why nothing would work for me (with the exception that SS2000 db can't be attached to a SS7) but I couldn't even get the SS7 db to restore so I admitted defeat and asked my DBA to help out. The SS7 restore worked just fine for her, the only thing I can think of is that it was an Operator Error:satisfied:. I did learn something out of this though.

    Thanks to everyone, you'll be seeing more of me :D,


  • Yeah you can easily restore from SQL 7.0 To SQL 7.0 but you have to wave your magic wand if you want to restore from SQL 2000 to SQL 7.0.

    You should have asked the DBA what he/she did so you could learn for next time. 😉

  • I did ask and I now know my mistake. I was trying to restore from the SS2000 backup file (thinking it was the SS7 file).:blush: No harm done . . . this time.

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