Restore to only 3 logical names

  • When I performed a backup of the SQL 2005 database it had 5 logical names and db was 350GB's with 50% free.

    Is it possible to restore that backup to to a new system with only 3 logical names which a total size of like 250gb's?

    Anyone have any clues???

    Thx in advance

  • What do you mean 'logical names'?

    A restore puts the database down exactly as it was at the time of backup.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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  • As stated, the restore puts the database back as it was at the time the backup has been created.

    ( files, file size )

    However, you can move the files using the "move" parameter of the restore command (check books online)

    After that restore you can:

    - shrink the files ( and rebuild all related objects afterward because of fragmentation )

    - reduce the number of files.

    If all files belong to the same/a single filegroup, you can mark a file (except the actual primary file) to be emptied, then you can remove the file.

    ( check "dbcc shrinkfile" in books online emptyfile parameter and "alter database" remove file)


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