Restore replication to new db on original server?

  • Hello,

    On a SS2K server which serves as publisher, distributor, and subscriber, how should I proceed if I want to make a copy of existing replicated databases (publisher and subscriber) and restore them to new database names on the same server.

    Essentially, I want to backup a production system of 2 databases and restore that system to different-named databases on the same server. What kind of cleanup effort will be required afterward?


    Steve Armistead

    Panther Systems

    Steve Armistead,

    Database Administration

    Panther Systems Northwest, Inc.

    Vancouver, WA


  • Not a lot, depending on what you want I guess! I've done restores of both published and subscribed db's lots of times with no problem. When you restore a db that was published you'll get an error (in EM anyway) but it still restores. Replication will be broken of course. How much clean up depends on how much you care I think. For transactional replication there are some views and procs you could clean up, but wouldnt hurt to leave them if you wanted to.


  • Thank you for the reply. I've restored both databases to new names on the same server, and need to get replication working between these new dbs the same as on the original dbs. Not all of the replication sprocs restore into new dbs, though, and since both databases already have all data in place, I don't need to let the replication wizard drop, recreate, and apply the snapshots. This means that the new databases do not get all the required sprocs and triggers installed to support transact-replication. It's somewhat cconfusing to me because some of the sprocs in particular are system owned and cannot be changed. I'll continue experimenting until I get this resolved.

    Steve Armistead,

    Database Administration

    Panther Systems Northwest, Inc.

    Vancouver, WA


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