Restore of DB on new server problems

  • Good Day,


    I backed up a DB from one SQL server complete.  I did a restore of that DB just backed up to another server.  The SQL user does not exist on the new server.  I tried running the SQL script option from the Enterprise Mgmt console on the old DB to give me a script to recreate the login and DB owner properties on the new server.  This all seemed to work okay.  However, when I go into the DB properties on the new server, I do not see the newly created user in the user folder on the new DB.  Also if I look at the permissions on the new DB, I do not see this user in there either.  If I try to run the sp_changedbowner procedure, it tells me that the sql user is already the owner.  If I look at the user login in the security folder and dblClick on it, it tells me that the SQL login does not exit in the sysusers table.  But I can go in and see the SQL user login in that table.

    Is there a simple way to backup a DB from one server and restore it to another server and have it preserve the SQL login users and roles they are assigned. 

    I would appreciate any help. 

  • Create all necessary logins that are in your original database in new server, restored the database and run stored procedure "sp_change_users_login" to map the users in restored database to the logins you created in new server.



  • Great Info!

    Worked like a charm!


    Thanks again for all the help!!!


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