Restore Log Question

  • I have setup Log shipping for our Live database on a SQL2000 server. The Standby database is not currently used for running queries out of but will be shortly.

    My question is when the Log files are restored do I need to stop all queries in the Standby database or does the restore do this itself or can they both be running at the same time (queries may be inconsistent but the restore still works and queries can still be produced)

    The restore command I use is : RESTORE LOG @DBName FROM ISK=@BackupFileName">DISK=@BackupFileName WITH STANDBY=@UndoFile

    thanks for your help.

  • The database will be unavailable to users during the restore. Assuming you are using SQLServer's log shipping rather than a home grown solution, check the box for 'Terminate users in database' to automatically kill any connections to the standby database before starting the restores.

  • While setting up logshipping there is an option wether to terminate all user connected while doing restore. Select this option if u want to terminate terminate users while doing restore.else Your restore  operation will be terminated.

  • thanks for the replies. I only have Standard Edition so have to implement my own log shipping rather than using the Wizard in Enterprise Edition.

  • I have done that using stored procedures and linked  servers. and soon i will be coming up with GUI. I will let you know once I Finished that. Now i have only procedures which will do that.

  • Here's the code for a proc I use to kill all users for a database. It's not infallible, but it gets the job done most of the time.

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp__killallusers

    @dbname varchar(255)


    declare @spid int

    declare @sql varchar(100)

    declare c cursor for

    select spid from master..sysprocesses where

    db_name(dbid) = rtrim(@dbname)

    open c fetch next from c into @spid

    while @@fetch_status -1 begin

    set @sql = 'kill ' + cast(@spid as varchar(15))


    fetch next from c into @spid


    close c

    deallocate c


  • Has anyone created their own log shipping process between a 2005 and 2000 implementation? I also am stuck with Standard versions of these products and would like to set up my own transaction log shipping routine with stored procedures. However, I don't know where to start.



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