Restore Issue

  • I am restoring few databases from 2008 backups to 2014. I used litespeed and SQL server native restores. But every time the physical file names are being generated as DBName_1.mdf, DBName_2.ndf etc. It is not matching with the logical file names.

    Anybody has faced similar issue?

  • Check the database name from which the backup is taken initially. You can edit the physical name but logical name only when you create a new DB.

    Experts please correct if I am wrong.

  • That might be due to Third Party backup internals. We are using Avamar and while restore it also do the same thing but restore will be on development/test it should be fine. After all I am worried about data only.


    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • kirankritapure (3/10/2016)

    I am restoring few databases from 2008 backups to 2014. I used litespeed and SQL server native restores. But every time the physical file names are being generated as DBName_1.mdf, DBName_2.ndf etc. It is not matching with the logical file names.

    Anybody has faced similar issue?

    Could you please provide the specific details (database name, file names)?

    Also post the following:




    FROM sys.master_files

    where DATABASE_ID > 4


  • Take direct control of the restore process through scripts rather than relying on some GUI. You can certainly name the files any way you wish when using those products you mention.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

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    SQL Server Execution Plans
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