Restore Gene : Automating SQL Server Database Restores

  • I am getting the below error when trying to execute the Posh

    Set-Location : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'DBName'.

    I am using below script on PS v2.0

    Automate\TEST\Restore\ps_RestoreGene.ps1 `

    -DBName = "BaselineData" `

    -PrimaryServer = "ABC" `

    -StandbyServer = "DEF" `

    -FromFileFullUNC = "\\ABC\Prod_Backups\ABC\BaselineData\FULL\" `

    -WithMoveDataFiles = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA" `

    -WithMoveDataFiles = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA" `

    -RestoreLog = "C:\Automate\Log_PBV001_PBV002_workspace.xml" `

    -WithReplace = "1" `

    -StandBy = "1" `

    -Log_Reference = "PoSh Restore TEST"

  • Withmovedatafiles appears twice, also needs to terminate with '\'


  • Sorry my bad, i copied it wrong, made the modifications, replaced withmovedatafiles to withmoveLogfiles and ended with \ for the path but still same error:

    Set-Location : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'DBName'.

    At line:2 char:1

    + -DBName = "BaselineData" `

    + ~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-Location], ParameterBindingException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetLocationCommand

  • Could you try version 4 (the latest)


  • hey paul,

    Thanks for the replies, yes i am using the latest version but still same error. May be i am not that good or doing something wrong with Powershell.

    Is there any doc on how to run this,

    I just went to PS and executed below , but no luck

    PS C:\> cd \Automate\TEST\Restore\ps_RestoreGene.ps1 `

    >> -DBName "BaselineData" `

    >> -PrimaryServer "ABC" `

    >> -StandbyServer "DEF" `

    >> -FromFileFullUNC "\\ABC\Prod_Backups\ABC\BaselineData\FULL\" `

    >> -WithMoveDataFiles "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\" `

    >> -WithMoveLogFiles "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\" `

    >> -RestoreLog "C:\Automate\Log_PBV001_PBV002_workspace.xml" `

    >> -WithReplace "1" `

    >> -StandBy "1" `

    >> -Log_Reference "PoSh Restore TEST"

    Also, i am running this from secondary and have executed sp_restoregene on primary server

  • Hi,

    There is some documentation here -

    Which version of powershell are you using?


  • Thanks for the doc, its V2.0

  • Hi Paul,

    Any idea what could be going wrong here, Will it not work for V 2.0 PS?

  • It should do, I'm not sure to be honest and need to retest. The most recent version was developed on Windows server 2012, PS V3. The error might be a parameter name changing in a cmdlet. I won't get a chance to look at it before the weekend though, sorry

  • Hey, Paul i was able to figure out what went wrong and ran the script, but after its run no restore happen with below message:

    database on primary is in Simple recovery model, but i believe full backup should have at least been restored?

    RestoreGene Batch Execution Starting


    Executing SQL Command - + EXEC dbo.sp_RestoreGene @LogShippingVariableDeclare = 0, @Database = 'BaselineData',@Log_Refe

    rence = 'PoSh Restore TEST', @TargetDatabase = 'BaselineData',@WithMoveDataFiles = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Serve

    r\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\', @WithMoveLogFile = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQLDATA\', @FromFileFullUNC = '\\XXX\Prod_Backups\CXP\BaselineData\FULL\', @FromFileDiffUNC = '\\XXX\Prod_Backups\CXP\BaselineData\FULL\', @FromFileLogUNC= '\\XXX\Prod_Backups\CXP\BaselineData\FU

    LL\', @StopAt = '2016-01-08T08:48:57', @StandbyMode = '1', @WithReplace = '1' , @WithRecovery = '0', @WithCHECKDB = '0'


    No new log file backups

    Strange because after this i dont see anything being executed: (XXX is primary server and its backup folder is shared)

  • That's good news, pleased you got to the bottom of it. I'll add an error trap to the posh script on the next release. To be honest it wasn't a scenario I anticipated.

    Best wishes


  • But Paul,

    Actually it ran but its not restoring, it just shows me the above posted message and no restore happens.

    What Am i missing now, even i put the database to full recovery model still no luck

  • After putting the database in full recovery, did you take a full and a log backup?

  • Yup, that was the first thing i did..

    Just curious, for very first run i provided the parameter -LogShippingInitialize "1" as "0"..

    Could that be a problem, do i need to first initialze and then can later make it 0?

  • Adding ----- For server XXX primary it displays below info followed by the message i posted:

    Name : LogData

    LocalName : LogData

    NamespaceURI :

    Prefix :

    NodeType : Element

    ParentNode : #document

    OwnerDocument : #document

    IsEmpty : True

    Attributes : {}

    HasAttributes : False

    SchemaInfo : System.Xml.XmlName

    InnerXml :

    InnerText :

    NextSibling :

    PreviousSibling :

    Value :

    ChildNodes : {}

    FirstChild :

    LastChild :

    HasChildNodes : False

    IsReadOnly : False

    OuterXml : <LogData />

    BaseURI :

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