Restore fails in loading mode

  • Hi guys, i really need your help since we are completly stuck on this problem:

    We are suppose to do restore everyday from production server (Windows 2000 sp4 with sql server 2000 Enterpise Edition sp4) to adhoc server (same configuration as production) and all of the sudden the restore just hangs in loading mode and never finished with the following errors in sql error log on adhoc server:

    BackupMedium::ReportIoError: read failure on backup device '\\ProductionDB\y$\dbbackup\Production_db_20061218020537.bak'. Operating system error 1130(Not enough server storage is available to process this command.).

    Here is the history what we did: we tried to use fix in the following article: and no success, we rebuilt adhoc server from scratch and still we have the same problem.

    The actual backup file size on the original production server about 70G and we do have around 450G available on ADHOC server. The ADHOC server also has 5GB of RAM available. Production server also was upgraded with the latest patches for the operating system.

    Anyone seen this problem before and how we can keep this going? It was working before until about mid December and then stopped working 99% of the time.

    Thank you 

  • The actual backup file size doesn't mean anything. What are the actual sizes of the data and log files?

    The Data and Log files have empty space, that space won't be included in the backup, but a 'marker' for it is. The restore has to have enough room for that empty space also.

    For example:

    On ProdServer your data file is 50 GB with 20 GB empty space and your log file is 100 GB with 300 GB empty space. That is 70 GB of data file size and 400 GB of log file space that has to be restored onto ADHOC server.

    If this is the case, then you should shrink the database files before backing them up.


  • Thank you for reply,

    Ok, 98GB is the total of the database size including empty spaces for data and log files.

    The total size on adhoc server available is 450GB

  • Hi George.

    The "storage" referred to in the error message has nothing to do with disk space.  It's about a particular type of reserved memory. Insufficient space is usually reported as error 112, not 1130.

    Unfortunately I don't know how to fix your problem.  I suspect it's in the network layer somewhere.  I would try copying the BAK to the "adhoc" server and attemting the restore from there.  Not a permanent solution, but if it is successful, you know which link in the chain is giving you the problem.



  • Something to check...  make sure disk compression is not turned on.

  • Thank you all for reply's, it's interesting that sometimes the simple copy from production to adhoc server also fails. Sysadmin will replace the network  card today and try again. 

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