Restore failed for Server. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

  • I have been trying to restore a backup to my test server and keep getting the following error. I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

    Restore failed for Server 'SERVER'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

    Additional information:

    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use.


    Here are the steps I have been told to follow:

    - Start > Command Prompt > iisreset > exit (clears & restarts processes)

    - Start > Computer Management > Services and Applications > Services

    o IIS Admin Service > Stop all processes

     Make sure SDE processes are also stopped

    o IIS Manager > Application Pools

     Stop all processes

    o Default SMTP Virtual Server

     Stop

    - MS SQL Server Management Studio

    o Login

    o DB

    o Test_sde > Tables > dbo.SMSYSPROCESS (right click)

     Delete all entries

    o Test_sde > Tasks > Restore > Database

     General

    • From device > Add (drill down to file .bak file)

     Options

    • Overwrite the existing database

    o Restore the database file for MagicTSD_Data (drill down to MSSQL.1 > Data > Test_sde.mdf)

    o Restore the dataset file for MagicTSD_Log (drill down to MSSQL.1 > Data > Test_sde_log.ldf)


    - Start > Command Prompt > iisreset > exit (clears & restarts processes)

    I have tried everything I can think of. Do you have any suggestions?

  • margo.taylor (2/21/2013)

    I have been trying to restore a backup to my test server and keep getting the following error. I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

    Restore failed for Server 'SERVER'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

    Additional information:

    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use.


    Here are the steps I have been told to follow:

    - Start > Command Prompt > iisreset > exit (clears & restarts processes)

    - Start > Computer Management > Services and Applications > Services

    o IIS Admin Service > Stop all processes

    ? Make sure SDE processes are also stopped

    o IIS Manager > Application Pools

    ? Stop all processes

    o Default SMTP Virtual Server

    ? Stop

    - MS SQL Server Management Studio

    o Login

    o DB

    o Test_sde > Tables > dbo.SMSYSPROCESS (right click)

    ? Delete all entries

    o Test_sde > Tasks > Restore > Database

    ? General

    • From device > Add (drill down to file .bak file)

    ? Options

    • Overwrite the existing database

    o Restore the database file for MagicTSD_Data (drill down to MSSQL.1 > Data > Test_sde.mdf)

    o Restore the dataset file for MagicTSD_Log (drill down to MSSQL.1 > Data > Test_sde_log.ldf)


    - Start > Command Prompt > iisreset > exit (clears & restarts processes)

    I have tried everything I can think of. Do you have any suggestions?

    Why are you using GUI and restarting IIS ? Instead use scripts ... that will be much faster and more customizable ...

    --- kill all connections .. Replace the database_name with your actual database name

    alter database database_name

    set single_user with rollback immediate

    waitfor dealy "00:00:05" -- wait for 5 secs

    alter database database_name

    set multi_user with rollback immediate


    --- now restore the database .....

    restore database database_name

    from disk = 'backup location\file.bak'

    with replace, recovery, stat = 10 --- since you are replacing the current database

    HTH !
    MCTS : 2005, 2008
    Active SQL Server Community Contributor 🙂

  • " ... Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use ..."

    Someone has an open connection to the database.

    You can use Activity Monitor or sp_who2 to identify it. Sometimes I find out I am the culprit because I forget I had a query window open !

  • Absolutely, activity monitor has a drodown db filter box so select the one you are wanting to restore and then you can see what is happening. Obviously dont go killing processes unless you're sure!

    Ditto re the query window 🙂

    'Only he who wanders finds new paths'

  • Great tip on the Activity Monitor, I did not realize you could use that.

    If it is just the test environment, I use this script to kill connections prior to a restore.

    DECLARE @spid varchar(10)

    SELECT @spid = spid

    FROM master.sys.sysprocesses


    dbid IN (DB_ID('Adventerworks), DB_ID('Northwind'), DB_ID('CCL'))



    EXEC('KILL ' + @spid)

    SELECT @spid = spid

    FROM master.sys.sysprocesses


    dbid IN (DB_ID('Adventerworks), DB_ID('Northwind'), DB_ID('CCL'))

    AND spid > @spid


  • This may seem silly but where do I find the Activity Monitor? I am very new to SQL Server.

  • Activity Monitor can be found in the Object Explorer under the Management folder.

    You can close all the connections prior to your restore, but more than likely SQL Agent is reconnecting immediately after you kill it.

    Try restoring your database via T-SQL:

    Use Master

    Alter Database [database_name]


    RESTORE DATABASE [database_name] FROM DISK = 'E:\backup\zreports.bak' --location of .bak file



    Good luck!

    Chris Powell

    George: You're kidding.
    Elroy: Nope.
    George: Then lie to me and say you're kidding.

  • thank you, it helped!!

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