Restore Error

  • I use sql to restore a db:

    use master

    restore database macor

    from disk = 'E:\docs\dminsite+tech\db_dump_macor\macor_db_20051231.bak

    with move 'macor_data' to 'e:\dbs\macor\macord_data.mdf',

    move 'macor_log' to 'e:\dbs\macor\macor_log.ldf'

    It gave me error 'the backup set holds a backup of a database other than existing 'macor' database. Restore database is terminating abnomrally'

    I know when the EM, we can check the option 'Override the existing database'. What is that flag or command in SQL restore.

    Please advise.



  • Hello Minh,

    From BOL:


    Specifies that SQL Server should create the specified database and its related files even if another database already exists with the same name. In such a case, the existing database is deleted. When the REPLACE option is not specified, a safety check occurs (which prevents overwriting a different database by accident). The safety check ensures that the RESTORE DATABASE statement will not restore the database to the current server if:

    1. The database named in the RESTORE statement already exists on the current server, and
    2. The database name is different from the database name recorded in the backup set.

    REPLACE also allows RESTORE to overwrite an existing file which cannot be verified as belonging to the database being restored. Normally, RESTORE will refuse to overwrite pre-existing files.


  • thanks much.  I found that one too.


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