Restore DIFF backup over COPY_ONLY

  • Hi All

    Hoping someone can give me some clarity.

    Server A

    Server B

    Took a copy_only backup on Server A followed by a DIFF backup

    Restored the copy_only FULL to server B in NORECOVERY

    When I try to restore the DIFF backup, I get this:

    Msg 3136, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
    This differential backup cannot be restored because the database has not been restored to the correct earlier state.
    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.


    Why would this happen?

    I understand that copy_only doesn't affect the DIFF chain but I cannot seem to understand why I cannot restore the DIFF taken after the copy_only.




  • Because the copy_only full doesn't know where the differential bit is, so the differential has no way of knowing where it the backup chain it belongs with a copy_only full.

    You need the full that was taken without the copy_only option if you want to restore diffs to it.

    FULL 11thOct2020 22:00

    FULL CopyOnly 12thOct2020 18:00

    DIFF 12thOct2020 22:00

    You need the FULL from 11th and the DIFF from the 12th to restore.  The Copy only is there to not interrupt the chain of events for your normal backup processes

  • Thank you

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