restore datbase problem

  • hello all

    i have a problem

    my problem is that i backup my databse on one network take my backup file restore it in a different computer in a difrent network so i can't use and DTS the restore works finebut when i try to login to the database i get server user "name" is not a valid user in database "name" as far as i understand i need to move the logins also but the problem is i'm trying to do this in a program language and not using stored procedure is there a way to backup my database that will include the logins or any other suggestion that would be able me to login to my database not using a stored procedure since i don't use those 


    any help i welcomed



  • You'll need to setup all of the users with the same spids on the test server.  On my test/production machines, I moved all of the logins with the corresponding sids.  When I restore on test the users already exist and have the correct spids.



  • tom thanks for you reply

    but i need some more help if you can

    i'm a prgrammer that need to move the database from one netwrok to another and i'm not that familiar in sql server and DBA

    how do i transfer all the logins and sids can it be done through the enterprise manager of there is another way

    i use the backup optin runs by query connecting to the database

    is it possible to export sid and logins too through a query or just in the enterprise and how are those files called

    thanks for all your help





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