Restore database with no recovery

  • Hi,

    1. Full backup file size (338 GB)

    2. Differential backup

    Query analyzer fired as below restore command.


    First I restored full backup file on Secondary server, it takes 4:30 Hrs still running & query executing stage. But Enterprise manager database showing loading stage, bcz awiting for second file restoration with recovery command. Now I have doubt..

    I want to apply differential backup with recovery option, but full backup is running, so how to konw full backup completed or not, or I am waitng for message completion fo first full backup.

    Thanks for your help


  • before running the restore command, you could have used 'stats' option which gives the information how much % iscompleted.

    The only option left is :-

    1) Will till complete restoration msg

    2) Kill it and run again with 'Stats' option to monitor how much% is restored.


  • Thanks for reply...

    If Kill it operation, again i have wait too long time for restoration, current restoring process with no recovery, is it display any message for completing restore process. how can i comes to know? or i will execute other option kill it and again start.




  • 1) if you want to wait for completion then wait for message...query executed successfully.

    2) if want to kill and re-run with 'stats' option then stats = 10 will keep informing you after every 10% completion.You can increase or decrease it(10%) as per your requirement.


  • Thanks Ashish

    I have to wait for completion current executing restore process till received message, now 5:70 mint, I think its takes more than 8 hrs.



  • Database size 340 GB.

    Backup file has been storing tape as well as secondary server. If any corrupted in primary server, i restore from tape but its takes too long time, so that maintain secondary server for restoring purpose.

    Instead of restoring periviously merge replication configured but it was not perform well bcz all the data was image type data. now replication setup was removed in primary server. all table contain uid cloumn created due to merge replication setup. If delete this column, is there impacted in database and existing data. please give me suggestion.

    Daily full backup was taken and two days backup was failed due to HD free space issues. after that backup plan changed daily differential backup taken at every 4 hrs.

    I want more details about restoration process daily wise on secondary server.

    1. First action - restore full backup with no recovery

    2. second day action -restore differentail backup with last backup file with no recovery

    3. Third day action - restore differentail backup with last backup file with no recovery

    Suppose i want view the data in database, third day restore diffential backup with recovery, so now database is complete recovery and can able fire the query.

    Fourth day i want to apply differentail backup, in this case again restore full backup with no recovery and apply last day differential backup with no recovery. please suggestion me, if again restore full backup & wait long time. Is there alternative any way?



    backupDue to free space

  • If your motive is to keep second node uptodate with primary then

    I will suggest instead of daily doing restoration, you should consider logshipping,mirroring or replication.

    Also the more clear your requriement the better solution you will get.


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