Restore database to the point

  • Hi,

    I want to restore a database (TestData) as it was at 10 AM. I have the full backup and transactional log backup. The database is in full recovery mode.

    1.) TestData.BAK

    2.) TestData_0900.TRN

    3.) TestData_1000.TRN

    4.) TestData_1100.TRN

    5.) TestData_1200.TRN

    I did the following

    restore database TestData

    from disk = 'C:\TestData.BAK'

    with move 'TestData_Data' to 'D:\data\TestData_Data.mdf',

    move 'TestData_Log' to 'D:\data\TestData_Log.ldf'

    How do I go by after this point?

    Thank you for your help.

  • You have to use the NORECOVERY syntax while doing restore to a point in time.

    restore database TestData

    from disk = 'C:\TestData.BAK'

    with move 'TestData_Data' to 'D:\data\TestData_Data.mdf',

    move 'TestData_Log' to 'D:\data\TestData_Log.ldf', NORECOVERY

    RESTORE LOG TestData

    FROM DISK ='C:\TestData_0900.TRN'


    RESTORE LOG TestData

    FROM DISK ='C:\TestData_1000.TRN'

    WITH RECOVERY -- For the last transaction log


  • You want to restore the full backup with NORECOVERY, then restore each of the log backups stopping at 10:00 AM.

    Something like this:

    restore database TestData

    from disk = 'C:\TestData.BAK'

    with NORECOVERY,

    with move 'TestData_Data' to 'D:\data\TestData_Data.mdf',

    move 'TestData_Log' to 'D:\data\TestData_Log.ldf'

    restore log TestData

    from disk = 'C:\TestData_0900.TRN'


    restore log TestData

    from disk = 'C:\TestData_1000.TRN'

    with RECOVERY, STOPAT 'Nov 3, 2005 10:00 AM'


  • Thank you guys.

  • BTW- here is a neat trick to make sure you don't restore data past your stopat time.

    Use the STOPAT option in ALL of the log restores. There is nothing that says you can't use it on each log restore. If the criteria isn't met, then it keeps going until the criteria is met.


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