Restore Dadabase From .bak Files

  • Hi

    One of my cus send the Database file(.bak only).He is using the SQL Server 2005 (Enterprise Edition).

    I am Unable ADD the Same to My SQL Server 2005(Developer Edition)

    I Tried Several Ways To add the Database BUT I am to DO SO

    I am Getting the ERROR MSG As

    "Msg 3241, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    The media family on device 'E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\Hills.bak' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally."

    Plz help to solve the issue

    Thanks & Regards


  • Whats the output of restore verifyonly fom disk='Backupfilenamewithpath'?


  • The backup file may be corrupted such as by FTPing with char mode instead of binary and can be checked by running:


    from disk = 'E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\Hills.bak'

    Your version of SQL Server may be a lower version than the client's and a restore to a lower version is not supported. The version used for the backup can be obtained by running:

    restore headeronly

    from disk = 'E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\Hills.bak'

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Hi


    Plz Error Msg For VERIFY DATABASE

    "Msg 3241, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    The media family on device 'E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\Hills.bak' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    VERIFY DATABASE is terminating abnormally."

  • I am Getting the same error for RESTORE HEADERONLY

    "Msg 3241, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    The media family on device 'E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\Hills.bak' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally."

  • As was stated previously, it appears that your backup is corrupt. Most likely by transferring the file via FTP in Text mode rather than Binary mode.

    However, it could just flat out be corrupt.

    Where did the file come from? Was it on a durable media or Tape? Could the file be encrypted or the file extension modified from .zip to .bak or something odd like that?

    Regards, Irish 

  • Thank Q Irish, api



  • Just a note - it is not necessarily correct that this error indicates a backup file is corrupt. There could be versioning issues here - example, try to restore a backup from SQL 2008 Ent (tested so you know it is not corrupt) to an x86 SQLExpress version. Both versions are SP2 SQL Server.

    You will find you get this error for this case.


  • Jamie Longstreet-481950 (7/21/2010)

    Just a note - it is not necessarily correct that this error indicates a backup file is corrupt. There could be versioning issues here - example, try to restore a backup from SQL 2008 Ent (tested so you know it is not corrupt) to an x86 SQLExpress version. Both versions are SP2 SQL Server.

    You will find you get this error for this case.

    I've restored SQL 2008 Standard and Enterprise without issue. Even 32-bit versus 64-bit, but if it were being restored to SQL Express I would imagine that errors would occur due to database size limitations.

    Jamie, would you expect the same kind of error if you were restoring 2008 Enterprise to 2008 Standard? I know I would see it when restoring 2008 to 2005 for example. I've always been able to move up versions, but never go back (i.e. 2005 -> 2008 and not 2008 -> 2005 or 2005 -> 2000).

    I know that I'd have to try it to make sure.

    Regards, Irish 

  • @sumanth

    wat version of sql server are you using..

    backward compatiblity in restoring a databse is not there

    make sure.


    Sushant Kumar

  • Good point, I hadn't considered the size limitation.


  • Error messages when restoring from newer version of a backup file to older versions:

    SQL Server 2008 R2 to SQL Server 2008

    Msg 3169, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The database was backed up on a server running version 10.50.1600. That version is incompatible with this server, which is running version 10.00.1600. Either restore the database on a server that supports the backup, or use a backup that is compatible with this server.

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    SQL Server 2008 R2 to SQL Server 2005

    Server: Msg 3241, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    The media family on device 'f:\temp\test001_sql2008r2.bak' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.

    Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    SQL Server 2008 R2 to SQL Server 2000

    Server: Msg 3169, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The backed-up database has on-disk structure version 661. The server supports version 539 and cannot restore or upgrade this database.

    Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2005

    Server: Msg 3241, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    The media family on device 'f:\temp\test001_sql2008.bak' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.

    Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2000

    Server: Msg 3169, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The backed-up database has on-disk structure version 655. The server supports version 539 and cannot restore or upgrade this database.

    Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000

    Server: Msg 3169, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The backed-up database has on-disk structure version 611. The server supports version 539 and cannot restore or upgrade this database.

    Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    So either the backup file is from SQL Server 2008, or its corrupted, in which case, you could ask your client to check that the original backup file is valid, generate a file checksum (md5) and compare the checksum against that generated on the copied file.

    SQL BAK Explorer - read SQL Server backup file details without SQL Server.
    Supports backup files created with SQL Server 2005 up to SQL Server 2017.

  • You could also download the free SQL Server backup file reader (SQL BAK Reader) that can read details of SQL Server backup files without needing to install the correct version of SQL Server, or any version of SQL Server for that matter. Check the 'Software version major' value for your backup file to see if it's a SQL Server 2008 file.

    You can download the application using this URL:

    SQL BAK Explorer - read SQL Server backup file details without SQL Server.
    Supports backup files created with SQL Server 2005 up to SQL Server 2017.

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