restore a database with more than two data files and more than one log file situation (automated)

  • I am unable to find a method to do a restore operation on a database if the database have more than two data files and more than one log file situation (automated). Can anyone please reply with a good query...

    Note: If this is something like a database with 2 dB files and one log file, my below script works:


    use master


    DECLARE @Table TABLE (LogicalName varchar(128),[PhysicalName] varchar(128), [Type] varchar, [FileGroupName] varchar(128), [Size] varchar(128),

    [MaxSize] varchar(128), [FileId]varchar(128), [CreateLSN]varchar(128), [DropLSN]varchar(128), [UniqueId]varchar(128), [ReadOnlyLSN]varchar(128), [ReadWriteLSN]varchar(128),

    [BackupSizeInBytes]varchar(128), [SourceBlockSize]varchar(128), [FileGroupId]varchar(128), [LogGroupGUID]varchar(128), [DifferentialBaseLSN]varchar(128), [DifferentialBaseGUID]varchar(128), [IsReadOnly]varchar(128), [IsPresent]varchar(128), [TDEThumbprint]varchar(128)


    DECLARE @Path nvarchar(1000)='C:\BKP\adventureworks2012.Bak'

    DECLARE @LogicalNameData varchar(128),@LogicalNameLog varchar(128)

    DECLARE @PhysicalDatapath varchar(128),@PhysicalLogPath varchar(128)

    --Declare @datafile_count INT

    --Declare @logfile_count INT

    INSERT INTO @table



    FROM DISK=''' +@Path+ '''



    select * from @table

    select @datafile_count = count(*) from @table

    where type = 'D'

    select @logfile_count = count(*) from @table

    where type = 'L'


    SET @LogicalNameData=(SELECT LogicalName FROM @Table WHERE Type='D')

    SET @LogicalNameLog=(SELECT LogicalName FROM @Table WHERE Type='L')

    SET @PhysicalDatapath = (SELECT PhysicalName FROM @Table WHERE Type='D')

    SET @PhysicalLogPath = (SELECT PhysicalName FROM @Table WHERE Type='L')

    SELECT @LogicalNameData "DB_Data_Logical_Name",@LogicalNameLog "DB_Log_Logical_Name"

    SELECT @PhysicalDatapath "DB_Data_Physical_Name",@PhysicalLogPath "DB_Log_Physical_Name"

    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = N'adventureworks2012')


    ALTER database [adventureworks2012] set single_user with rollback immediate

    RESTORE DATABASE [adventureworks2012] FROM DISK = @Path


    MOVE @LogicalNameData TO @PhysicalDatapath,

    MOVE @LogicalNameLog TO @PhysicalLogPath,

    replace, stats = 10

    ALTER database [adventureworks2012] set multi_user with rollback immediate




    ALTER database [adventureworks2012] set single_user with rollback immediate

    RESTORE DATABASE [adventureworks2012] FROM DISK = @Path


    MOVE @LogicalNameData TO @PhysicalDatapath,

    MOVE @LogicalNameLog TO @PhysicalLogPath,

    replace, stats = 10

    ALTER database [adventureworks2012] set multi_user with rollback immediate



  • I suggest gen'ing the MOVE clauses directly from @tables, ignoring the count. Just concatenate all the results into a RESTORE statement, and run that statement dynamically. For example:

    ...existing code...

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max)

    DECLARE @db_name_to_restore sysname

    DECLARE @db_with_clauses nvarchar(max)

    SET @db_name_to_restore = 'adventureworks2012'

    SELECT @db_with_clauses = STUFF((


    ', MOVE ''' + LogicalName + ''' TO ''' + PhysicalName + ''''

    FROM @Table

    ORDER BY FileId

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ), 1, 2, '')

    --SELECT @db_with_clauses

    SET @sql =

    'RESTORE DATABASE [' + @db_name_to_restore + '] ' +

    'FROM DISK = ''' + @Path + ''' ' +

    'WITH REPLACE, STATS = 10, ' +


    PRINT @sql


    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tortelli men treat women like flies; Tortelli men's brains are in their flies".

  • Many thanks Scott.

    I just now added one more Log file too, to test and the query picks up. Thanks.


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