restore 1 table in backup file

  • hi experts,

    i have a database backup called Cus.bak. Inside this backup there's a table called CusMail.

    Is it possible to just restore the table CusMail from Cus.bak to another newly created database?

    The database Cus is quite huge and it takes half an hour to restore the complete database. This is not practical as i only need 1 table and restoring the whole database takes up half of the harddisk space.

    Please help. Thanks lots!

  • You'd only be able to do this if the table you wanted had been put in it's own particular filegroup which had been backed up seperately.

    Unfortunately you're stuck with restoring the whole DB (to some other DB name) and then copying the table you want back into the original database.

    Hope this helps

  • Hi,

    I also tried that. I restored my backup file to other machine, and then I restored the specific table. It's a long way, but it works.



  • It never used to be a problem with SQL 6.5 (god I'm getting old), that used to let you restore just a table.

    They changed the way it worked in SQL 7.0 (broke it) to stop any referential integrity issues, I can see reasons on both sides for this but generally I think it would have been better to keep it, if you know your data well enough then the risk would have been minimal.


  • thanks mike for the info. so which means that there is no way i can retrieve just 1 table unless it's store in the filegroup and the filegroup is backup-ed too?

    i'm using sql server 2k. u have any site i can visit regarding filegroup concept? i search through the help file and have problem understanding it.


  • Hi,

    As far as i know, it was not possible in sql 6.5 to get a object from a full backup file and the same continues in all versions of sql server till date.

    However, if you feel you will have to keep object backups(soem objects like tables, views etc could be a critical part of database), you could use some of the third party tools like SQL Litespeed or SQL Backtrack for SQL Server (BMC product) which has the facility to do this.


  • It definitely was possible to restore just a table in SQL 6.5 - it was a great choice in some circumstances esp when DB was large so retoring whole DB was difficult due to space

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